If Masonic judges have sworn an oath to protect their brothers from church and state, shouldn't they be forced to recuse themselves from any case involving fellow Masons?
>if you think IQ matters, how come black skinned south indians (who you think have lower IQs than whites and jews working for NASA) working for ISRO can send rocket to mars in ONE-TENTHS of the money it takes NASA to do it?
Less graft and $10,000.00 hammers?
>hurr durr IQ is a perfect concept
No concept is perfect, which is why there's bell curves.
>sop being racist.
>stop dividing the people.
>oh wait, you are a paid shill.
Gibs me dat czech before ya go callin me raysis.
Also, anons don't give AF if you call us 'ist names. Go ahead and spam that hate while we decide if you're even competent to make us a tasty sammich.
>>being an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole.
Let me get this straight…
Are you saying that white men can't jump, dance, and have small weiners, but black women don't have a 52% rate of herpes, black people aren't violent, don't rape disproportionally, and are mentally equal to Tesla, et. al., although patent application data show it to be statistically ludicrous?
>*oh yeah, i see there's a Dog Space Agency that's already sent their first spacecraft to the next galaxy over.
Meanwhile, in Africa, architectural marvels continue to emerge.
>all I'm gonna say is if black-skinned, curly-haired south Indians can send rockets to Mars, that too at one-tenth the cost that jew-run NASA does, maybe racism based on skin color, and even other skin-deep factors is not the right kind of discrimination one should be doing.
Skin pigmentation doesn't equal race/species.
Black lab and golden lab are pretty much equal, while Indian and African aren't equal.
>and what does poop on san fransicso streets represent?
Immigration from dark skinned south Indians.
>Correct. But–and it hurts me to admit this–stereotypes exist for a reason.
Go the fuck back to Reddit with your feelz.
>Funny you mention this, because both black and golden labs have dark skin. It's their hair color and structure that differs!
You differentiate between skin color and follicle color? WTF? That's racist! Follical lives matter, too! How dare you discriminate against albinos!
>how many serial killers have been straight white men? why?
There's a high correlation between serial killers and high intelligence, which contradicts your claim that there's no difference in intelligence between black people and white people.
>>skin color is not a known causative factor in intellectual performance.
>yet you posted that choco gorilla pic.
Incorrect, shill. I didn't post that pic.
If you were capable of forethought, perhaps you would have realized that moar than one anon would reply to your obvious bait.
Have some chickums while you ponder that…as well as how IQ tests don't measure forethought, yet crime, abortion, and venereal disease stats are chock full of people who are too stupid to think ahead. All of these stats show a lack of forethought among dark skinned people, and a noticeable absence of European heritage (although Hispanic inclusion skews the numbers).
>Lol. I remember a time before Poe's Law became the standard for evaluating anything written on the internet and a comment like yours could safely be taken as obvious satire. In this case, I'm still willing to trust <3
Back in the old days, I could say I was a lesbian stuck in a man's body and get people to spit milk out their nose. Now I'm afraid they'd take me seriously.
>my experience has been, the higher the iq the bigger the mistakes.
Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Even POTUS had a bankruptcy or two…and it wasn't for the $10k that would break most poorfags.
>and meme's like this make sense to you…why?
Same reason your apostrophe makes sense. It's completely out of place and inappropriate.
>>>7781591 (You)
>not funny, not a meme…just a picture of some cross-eyed guy…..makes no sense to me…you have to up your game to be part of the "Night Shift Crew"…the one with Hillary was hilariously funny…maybe you have no sense of humor.
KYS, blackpill shill.
>Thx for calling it out. What began as a few interesting posts began to distract significantly. I wasn't sure if I was still on Qresearch.
Note this post, anon:
Notice the taunting and branding of you aren't good enough to be "Night Shift Crew"? Classic blackpilling there
Notice the mention of "18 slides" rather than 18 posts after the shill's IP hop? Classic projection tells you they're trying to slide.
Notice the response?
Pic you haven't seen before that's kinda funny
Anon "suggesting" shill to KYS, while politely asking for a livestream (must have for keks).
Which side is shill? One? Both? Bored anon during nightshift? Shills trying their hardest to paint 8kun as racist?
To be honest, I'm just having fun screwing with them and burning up some slow bread at night.
The water buffalo got out of it's pen again.
Challenge accepted. Please do so.