peak femininity
>hurr durr IQ is a perfect concept
IQ is yet another way the cabal uses to divide the people of the world.
>inb4 Q: They want you divided
if you think IQ matters, how come black skinned south indians (who you think have lower IQs than whites and jews working for NASA) working for ISRO can send rocket to mars in ONE-TENTHS of the money it takes NASA to do it?
Can i, consequently, say that it means the black skinned south indians working in ISRO have TEN times the IQ of a normie kike NASA rocket scientist?
stop dividing people, you asshole.
>bell curves.
don't have a range of 50%
sop being racist.
stop dividing the people.
oh wait, you are a paid shill.
>They will not give it up easily
military has guns. i'm sure the military can pursue them.
you can, and must, hate illegals for being ILLEGALS, not because they belong to a certain religion, ethnicity, class, country, et al.
Entering a country without permission from the said country IS a crime, and criminals will be punished. But they will be punished because they did something criminal, not because they "weren't born where I was born".
>low-IQ and high-IQ
if a white skinned NASA scientist married a black skinned ISRO scientist, will their offspring have 70 IQ?
>IQ is only an inexact measure of various intellectual propensities and capabilities in individuals within populations, and that performance on this measure can stem from a variety of genetic and cultural factors. The level of melanin in one's epithelium is most certainly not one of those factors, though a certain level of melanin may correlate with a certain level of IQ in certain populations, that is purely coincidental.
but do you understand this?
>making bad assumptions
just like that choc gorilla in a pan of milk pic you posted.
>piss-poor reasoning skills
>posts a poorly reasoned race-baiting pic but has the audacity to call me stupid.
>When intelligent people breed with stupid people, the LIKELY result will be offspring more intelligent than the stupid parent and less intelligent than the intelligent parent.
not exactly. genetics is still an imprecise science. no one knows for a certainty how certain genes outshine other genes. two stupid people can give birth to an A+ student.
>That's basic genetics, fool.
and what's that pic of yours? what does it actually denote? what does it really imply? what would the normies infer from it?
>Unless you're one of those people who believe intellectual performance is PURELY AN EXPRESSION OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS, LOL
but your pic is still pure racism, and you should be ashamed of posting it.
>being an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole.
have fun, mate. this is a slow thread anyway.
> difference between a border collie (working dog that goes nuts when bored), and it's dumbed down brethren
>humans = dogs
*oh yeah, i see there's a Dog Space Agency that's already sent their first spacecraft to the next galaxy over.
i can't believe they beat the seemingly more cunning cats' Cat Space Agency.
oh and the above lines are said sarcastically in case you think … well, we know now you don't think.
trips have it.
genetics is still being studied. it is an imprecise science as of yet.
several factors contribute to how an individual, and their group, perform in areas where mental prowess is demanded, and genes alone can never be taken as the be and all of an individual or their group's capabilities.
>white men can't jump, dance, and have small weiners
they can and do. and they don't even have to be gay to be able to do all that.
>black women don't have a 52% rate of herpes, black people aren't violent, don't rape disproportionally, and are mentally equal to Tesla, et. al., although patent application data show it to be statistically ludicrous?
how many serial killers have been straight white men? why?
why did the Chinese look at gunpowder and went, "oh goodie, we can use it to make shiny blasts with colorful lights in the night sky," while the whites took one look at the gunpowder and went, "Damn right that's the thing that'll kill a huge number of other people!"
>Skin pigmentation is not a known genetic factor in potential intellect so this question is pointless trolling
then what was your choco gorilla pic all about?
>I'm telling you, you're fucked up on the idea that the chocolate gorilla represents dark-skinned people and the milk represents Caucasians. That is one of your racial biases showing itself. You are hung up on skin color, despite that we've discussed–and you seem to understand–that skin pigmentation is not a known factor in the genetics of intellectual performance. Let the race-baiting shit go, normie.
>hurr durr I am not the racist, you are.
again, what was your choco gorilla pic all about?
why chocolate? why gorilla? why milk? why IQ? why such a huge IQ difference? why did the difference reduce as the gorilla melt and the milk lost its white color?
all I'm gonna say is if black-skinned, curly-haired south Indians can send rockets to Mars, that too at one-tenth the cost that jew-run NASA does, maybe racism based on skin color, and even other skin-deep factors is not the right kind of discrimination one should be doing.
>one-tenth = corruption
sure, that's one point I'll take.
and what does poop on san fransicso streets represent?
also, google mansa moosa.
Rothschild-financed archaeologists have lied to you for more than 300 years. this is yet another rabbit hole we will climb down some day.
but right now we are trying to save innocent kids of the word from raped and killed and eaten.
>despite that all behavior is actually individual behavior.
finally something smart
>results from, yes, both genetic and cultural factors. No one can say which factors are a greater influence, though,
i'm pretty sure SOCIO-CULTURAL factors play a larger role.
>Trust me–and I hate to quote Chris Rock, but he's 100% correct–no one hates niggers more than black people.
because they realize that, if the "system" was not so heavily influenced to turn black into "stupid, violent criminals", the black community would have given us about the same number of great scientists that other communities have.
the socio-cultural factor that, your previous "governments" actually financed and pushed. 70s? 80s?
>Being a nigger is behavioral, not genetic–despite that a high percentage do happen to be black (PURELY A COINCIDENCE I ASSURE YOU). Sigh.
>i am telling you, it's socio-cultural factors
>This discussion always hurts me.
then why post a chocolate gorilla melting in white milk with not-so-subtle clue to IQ mixing?
>did they do this because of genetic, or cultural factors? No one can say for sure.
several factors that a chocolate gorilla melting in white milk can never explain properly.
i can't look at white Europeans and call them "most violent ever" because "hurr durr they did colonialism". it was mostly an opportunity to make profit and nothing to do with how violent what "sub-race" of humans is.
>Immigration from dark-skinned south Indians.
yes, only they are bad, we are never bad.
>If you swapped the IQ numbers between the milk and the gorilla in the first frame, the end result in the last frame would be exactly the same.
yet, you subtly, put a lower IQ on the dark-skinned component of the whole equation. curious. it stems from your inner, subconscious racism. but i'm sure that was just socio-cultural programming that you've gone through throughout your life.
>each racial group has strengths and weaknesses.
not ranging from 70 to 140.
more like - some cousins of mine are scientists working for ISRO / NASA, while others can't even run a grocery shop properly. perhaps the are not smart enough, perhaps they are just unlucky.
>Unguided crossbreeding of distinctive racial groups has a very high propensity to destroy distinctiveness and eliminate those racial strengths in the offspring, and a relatively much lower propensity to produce new and advantageous mutations or hybridizations: nature produces new and advantageous genetic crossings by subjecting each generation to the uncaring adversity of nature, which KILLS the less-suitable or at least greatly reduces the likelihood that they will succeed and breed. In a society like our modern one, social forces actively seek to avoid this mechanic from taking place, and thus, unguided crossbreeding of genetically distinctive populations has a VERY HIGH PROPENSITY to produce less-distinctive and less-suitable offspring. That isn't racism, or bigotry, or prejudice: it's the uncaring facts of a cold, hard, sharp natural system that doesn't give a shit how you feel about it.
i didn't know there was a step between racial discrimination and outright inbreeding
as much as i know, genetic variety makes a populace stronger. the closer you breed to your genetic makeup worst it is. it is called inbreeding, and i don't like it
sure we'll take it slow though. old people can't fathom to see their grandkids not looking anything like them.
>skin color is not a known causative factor in intellectual performance.
yet you posted that choco gorilla pic. was that just ruffle some feathers here? shitposting for the sake of shitposting? in which case, you succeeded.