Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.7781499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1502 >>1651

>>7781454 wow, it is the same room



>>7781275 noted, archived offline


anons 856184 and 765c41 - ty for your digs here. I popped in all groggy, and you two 'woke me' up. Scrolling through drivel and crap (not all, and still catching up..), then see your gold nuggets. Can't thank you enough. Fuck anons, well done.

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:46 a.m. No.7781537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1569







>not the big names

>but the big dogs with the big names

>their hands are pretty clean is my guess.


>hard to actually bust them for anything.

>even though it seems obvious.

>they are 10x removed from any criminal activity.

Intelligent post anon.




>it's potassium.

>pineapple juice

>lions blood


anon ec0f72 - if you are same anon dropping those graphics for days and days, only see now for the 1st time you aren't a shill / bot / whatever.

Only chose not to filter due to the off-hour pattern of the posts. Have been filtering you from the start of these.


Seems you're real, and quotes above indicate quite valid insight (totally agree, not the big dogs, but the big names, but there is a higher hidden layer(s)).

Any other commentary given you're 'out of character' on some posts in this bread?

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.7781570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1584


>but what if the iphone could measure the math related your vibration with app (+tech)…


here fren, if you haven't read about Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, may find of interest.


The rainbow and the worm

Establishing a new physics of life

Tam Hunt*

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer

Go to:



What is life? Many have asked this question, and no definitive answer is yet widely accepted. Is life something truly distinct from non-living stuff, as many dualists have suggested for millennia? Is there an élan vital that distinguishes living from dead stuff? Or is life about certain types of organization, metabolism, reproduction, goal-oriented behavior? None of these answers have yet won the debate.


There is, however, an intriguing new set of ideas that have been developed by Mae-Wan Ho, a biophysicist and science activist (as she calls herself) based in London. Ho’s basic assertion is that life exists on a spectrum and is at its root organized, quantum coherent energy. Ho’s work attempts to bridge the gap between physics and biology by recognizing that there is no real gap at all—just a gap in current methods and habits of thinking.

Using that as a seed for related/connected research and concepts, much will unfold.

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:09 a.m. No.7781598   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>like the way that is said.

ty, it is true, entangled within ourselves (all cells in our body), and within our environment.

Check out Kirlian photography as applied to cancer detection (via fingertip scanner).

Don't want to go divert to this atm, but here are a few leads, and maybe some (more interesting) Key material for your memes.


The History of Bioelectrography

Russian Scientist: “Consciousness Directly Influences Our World”

February 2, 2012

Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Aura


Wiki Image


Humans Are Free


A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment.


‘We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,’ said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University.


To bridge our understanding of the unseen world of energy, scientific experiments are being carried out using a technique called bioelectrophotography.


The assumption is that we are constantly emitting energy. Bioelectrophotography aims to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body – or what some people would call your aura.


It was discovered in the 1930s by Russian inventor Semyon Kirlian, who realized that by stimulating a subject with a short electrical impulse, you get a burst of light or photons and electrons around the subject

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.7781614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Water - could go on for days about that.

couple leads (what was looking for) just with terms: water structure interface layers pollack

ahh, it's coming back (been a few years)

EZ Water is another term.

Watch his vids, he's an incredible teacher and uses layman terms, you'll grok it no problem.


Start here:

Exclusion zone and heterogeneous water structure at ambient temperature

Seong G. Hwang ,

Jun Ki Hong ,

Abha Sharma ,

Gerald H. Pollack ,

GunWoong Bahng


Published: April 18, 2018

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:27 a.m. No.7781641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647



You're quick. For some reason, that image (maybe it's the borders), hurts my brain much less than your other stuff (no offense meant).

Maybe it's just an aesthetic tuning, borders / contrasts / fonts.

The concept is fine (and original).

As a photog, enjoyed doing triptychs, that's another related format could be of interest. Two quick examples attached (conceptual only).

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:41 a.m. No.7781660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1682


>i do the graphics for a reason. …


>I basically post a set of images and then look for posts that relate to the message I "posted" or intended to post with the set of images.

Unless you're trying to communicate with ebot…




>Your image posts annoy me, so I just filter you immediately I see your spam

>The images you post over and over take up valuable space in the breads

>Subliminal or whatever your aims, you just come across as a Shill/NPC/BOT

>Filtered !


Feel the same way. Eating up the bread as an issue aside, the image format you use hurts my brain in some way. Need to scroll/look away. Would suggest that be worked on, also join the images as one panel - far too much contrast, etc.

Take it for what it's worth, but I think you're alienating a 'key' audience (many anons, lurkers) and annoying more than you may realize, even if your intentions are pure.

Mebbe get with someone like Tops to tune the idea (find in the /vqc board EZBake).

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.7781679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696 >>1715


>I fucking hate clown world. Burn this mother fucker down. Down to the gwound…


>I've successfully red-pilled a few people by starting them out with the explanation of the replacement Hawking shill

Interdasting. Makes sense.

Also, with cripples / deformed folk - we instinctively 'look away', and 'don't stare', so subconsciously, unless you look straight at him, with intent, you'll never notice differences. Wow, insightful!


I fucking love Night Shift!

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.7781715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1723

>>7781699 good one!


>>7781679 ok, hear all your points.

What I'm saying, is better fonts and avoiding "clip art" images goes a long way.

Look at difference in these 2 keys…

The plain old key with text off in a white space can be enhanced.

And you did the dark key right quick, so doesn't need to take long. It's just an aesthetic thing.

Why not maximize your audience if you're going to put in all the hours?

Good luck anon, carry on!!

Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 3:09 a.m. No.7781729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1735


>Rod and ring COULD have meaning in relation to Solemani's ring (which seems to be a ring "club"…).

BDanon was talking about rings.

Claimed his pooch had swallowed one in a bar when they let the hounds loose (am inclined to believe him, vs LARP_.

Anyway, he mentioned how interested the Saudi's were in the ring.

Also, thought I read somewhere there was a flake of the cross of Christ in Soleimani's ring (no sauce, saw in passing). Who knows.

Certainly heavy symbology with wedding rings and others.

Superbowl rings.

Signet rings as seals, and with Coat of Arms.


Anonymous ID: 911b00 Jan. 11, 2020, 3:25 a.m. No.7781759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1774



Hmm, also check out "Mosaic Warfare"

Adaptive warfare (see cap)

sauce for that, DARPA:


Think this makes sense, sort of a quantum approach, where at any moment there are multiple scenarios going forward, and adjustment can be made.


We already see this w/ Q-Team:

POTUS asked them to accelerate.

Then there was the 80/20 />/ 60/40 change, hidden vs. public.