>Federal Reserve/ America was the keystone correct?
Look up "keystone" in the context. keystone == understanding.
>Federal Reserve/ America was the keystone correct?
Look up "keystone" in the context. keystone == understanding.
Sounds like population is what you object to.
Differences in average IQ between genetic groups is much, much smaller than the spread within any of those groups. It's practically insignificant.
>Unguided crossbreeding of distinctive racial groups has a very high propensity to destroy distinctiveness and eliminate those racial strengths in the offspring, and a relatively much lower propensity to produce new and advantageous mutations or hybridizations:
Are you an idiot? It's like when nature invented sexual reproduction. Organisms that reproduce asexually evolve very slowly. The ability to swap dissimilar genes, rolling the dice each time, is what enabled the sexually reproducing organisms to advance to what we are today. Mixing genetic groups will produces a wider spread of possible outcomes. Many of these outcomes will be.. unfortunate. But there will also be exceptional outcomes. This will lead to faster evolution.
Mixing of dissimilar genetic groups id HIGHLY desirable.
They also copy-and-paste the same shit over and over.
He looks different because he lost most of his teeth. This caused his chin and nose to be closer together when his mouth was closed. (Same thing happens to long-term meth addicts)