Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 10, 2020, 11 p.m. No.7781119   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1145


>I wonder what comes next.


I can answer that. A coalition of big tech companies, using indirect methods including cookies, IP tracking, packet sniffing, diction patterns, honeypot websites, fine and coarse location data, wi-fi triangulation, and many more tactics of very questionable legality, have been building a system that allows them to uniquely identify and track "anonymous" internet users and to collect and tag all of their posts and content across dozens of websites to flag them as undesirables. When the time is right and it suits their goal, they will use this system to put the "mark of the beast" on you across every website and offline company they can get their tentacles on, and persecute you as a racist, fascist, alt-right neo-nazi bigot and deny you access to society itself. Think social credit score systems debuted in China and elsewhere, except much more far-reaching and capable of punishing you for the smallest of wrongthink transgressions.


It's their big plan to use all the racial division white privilege bigotry climate change conspiracy theory anti-vaxxing chemtrail narratives to turn brain-dead normies as a whole into a cudgel to shut down all free-thinking people who dissent from any official narrative, and it's much further developed than we here are typically comfortable with admitting. They will take away all privacy and anonymity forcefully and they'll justify this act by claiming they're just stopping racist, fascist, backward idiots from ruining society with their alt-right conspiracy theories.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 10, 2020, 11:04 p.m. No.7781124   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1133


>I hate to generalize, but, every one I have know was batshit crazy.


Me too, honestly, and the mate of mine that did stick his dick in one ruined his life completely by doing so. He was also a crayon-eating marine, so there's that.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 12:44 a.m. No.7781414   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1424 >>1434 >>1437



>IQ and skin color


The chocolate gorilla and the saucepan of milk are merely visual aids that describe what happens when you blend the genetics of a low-IQ and high-IQ population. You are emotionally invested in the inference that racial division is the goal of this image. Remember as well that IQ is only an inexact measure of various intellectual propensities and capabilities in individuals within populations, and that performance on this measure can stem from a variety of genetic and cultural factors. The level of melanin in one's epithelium is most certainly not one of those factors, though a certain level of melanin may correlate with a certain level of IQ in certain populations, that is purely coincidental.


To INFER that the IMPLICATION is that skin color is causative in producing an individual of a certain IQ level suggests that you, in fact, may have a low IQ. You are clearly emotionally upset over the image I posted, and I suspect you speak based on your feelings a lot more often than you stop, think, and reason. You're probably also dark-skinned and I hurt your feelings because for some foolish reason you identify with the chocolate gorilla.


>NASA successfully steals and wastes a shitload of money, this implies that their IQ is lower than their Indian counterparts because obviously both organizations are trying as hard as possible and NASA's results indicate that they are less capable, rather than more corrupt


Think harder, normie. Here you are again making bad assumptions, one of which is that NASA is making a genuine effort to make good use of their funding; another of which is that anyone's skin color has anything to do with their effectiveness.


>stop dividing people, asshole


Stop inferring stupid shit based on your piss-poor reasoning skills. When intelligent people breed with stupid people, the LIKELY result will be offspring more intelligent than the stupid parent and less intelligent than the intelligent parent. That's basic genetics, fool. Unless you're one of those people who believe intellectual performance is PURELY AN EXPRESSION OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS, LOL

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.7781444   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1463 >>1467 >>1830


>Differences in average IQ between genetic groups is much, much smaller than the spread within any of those groups. It's practically insignificant.


Based on sampling of less than 0.001% of any given overall population group and using different IQ tests on each population group in studies performed by research groups that will lose all of their funding and be run out of the "scientific" community (as racists) immediately if they fail to arrive at that conclusion. There are fifty other problems with these "studies," and despite being given a free pass to ignore all these problems and publish their results as fact, empirical reality does not agree with this conclusion at all, anywhere on Earth. What's more, numerous genetic factors responsible for major differences in typical intellectual performance of different genetic groups have already been identified and correlated with corresponding performance difference in populations that have the "good" genes and ones that have the "bad" genes. I won't argue that one set of genes is objectively better than any other–after all, correlation is not causation–but the results of this data (while being completely taboo to even discuss in the "scientific" community) are very interesting.


Mind you, individual variance on the bell curve within any given genetic group overlaps significantly; nothing out there suggests that genetic makeup is a hard limitation on what an individual from one of the "underperforming on average" groups can accomplish; but reality shows that due to the corresponding socioeconomic and cultural differences in these groups, individuals may have to work a lot harder to reach their potential, and their maximum potential may be lower than individuals from a genetic group whose socioeconomic and cultural situation is much better. So no, "bad" genetics are not a death knell, but they definitely matter and empirical reality keeps proving this as we discover and decode more and more genes and understand how they affect the organism's potential intellect.


Disclaimer: I am black

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:04 a.m. No.7781456   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1462 >>1470 >>1471


>if a white skinned NASA scientist married a black skinned ISRO scientist, will their offspring have 70 IQ?


Skin pigmentation is not a known genetic factor in potential intellect so this question is pointless trolling


>not exactly. genetics is still an imprecise science. no one knows for a certainty how certain genes outshine other genes. two stupid people can give birth to an A+ student.


That understanding is growing by the day and is not as undeveloped as you seem to think. And the reason for your example is that genetic factors are not the only causative factors. Those parents also might be stupid for non-genetic reasons despite having "good" genes.


>but your pic is still pure racism, and you should be ashamed of posting it.


You don't even know what the word racism means. I can't blame you for that, since leftists like to re-define it every 5 years to suit their most recent political goals. The word you're looking for is bigotry, and even this conclusion on your part relies on:


>what would the normies infer from it?


All you really seem to be implying here is that you think like a normie: with emotion rather than reason. This condition is exactly what the picture I posted is meant to expose, and why the scientific community is positively FUCKED in the modern world; it has been taken over by emotional retards like you who aren't interested in facts that offend their sensibilities.


>what does it actually denote?




>When intelligent people breed with stupid people, the LIKELY result will be offspring more intelligent than the stupid parent and less intelligent than the intelligent parent.


I'm telling you, you're fucked up on the idea that the chocolate gorilla represents dark-skinned people and the milk represents Caucasians. That is one of your racial biases showing itself. You are hung up on skin color, despite that we've discussed–and you seem to understand–that skin pigmentation is not a known factor in the genetics of intellectual performance. Let the race-baiting shit go, normie.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:17 a.m. No.7781477   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1486 >>1487 >>1496


>genes alone can never be taken as the be and all of an individual or their group's capabilities.


Correct. But–and it hurts me to admit this–stereotypes exist for a reason. They emerge from a collective body of experience showing a statistical high occurrence of some result which, through anecdotal evidence becomes associated with an aggregate group, despite that all behavior is actually individual behavior.


In other words, the reason so many people think black people are stupid is that so many black people ARE stupid. And this results from, yes, both genetic and cultural factors. No one can say which factors are a greater influence, though,


Trust me–and I hate to quote Chris Rock, but he's 100% correct–no one hates niggers more than black people.


It would be very healthy for society to dissociate the bad behaviors associated with "niggers" from their skin color, because people of any race can be niggers, and not all black people are niggers. Being a nigger is behavioral, not genetic–despite that a high percentage do happen to be black (PURELY A COINCIDENCE I ASSURE YOU). Sigh. This discussion always hurts me.


>why did the Chinese look at gunpowder and went, "oh goodie, we can use it to make shiny blasts with colorful lights in the night sky,"


The Chinese were the first to employ gunpowder in combat, in the 10th century–they just weren't that great at it. Their "fire lances" were clunky, heavy, and not very effective as much besides tools of shock-and-awe. Europeans refined this technology and brought it to the cutting edge, like they have done with nearly every form of warfare. Now again, did they do this because of genetic, or cultural factors? No one can say for sure.



>Fix.t cause we see no color here bro.


Okay, fair enough. But I think it's also fair to be honest that my arguments are to some degree self-advocacy.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:28 a.m. No.7781497   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1529


>then what was your choco gorilla pic all about?


It'll probably help you to think about it this way.


If you swapped the IQ numbers between the milk and the gorilla in the first frame, the end result in the last frame would be exactly the same.


I'm telling you, this picture is meant to provoke an emotional response and expose that people immediately identify one and the other with human genetic groups. It's no accident that it's a chocolate gorilla, not a bunny, and that the milk is white rather than using a white chocolate bunny and chocolate milk to arrive at the same endpoint of off-brown reduced-IQ slime.


My take on it is this: each racial group has strengths and weaknesses. Unguided crossbreeding of distinctive racial groups has a very high propensity to destroy distinctiveness and eliminate those racial strengths in the offspring, and a relatively much lower propensity to produce new and advantageous mutations or hybridizations: nature produces new and advantageous genetic crossings by subjecting each generation to the uncaring adversity of nature, which KILLS the less-suitable or at least greatly reduces the likelihood that they will succeed and breed. In a society like our modern one, social forces actively seek to avoid this mechanic from taking place, and thus, unguided crossbreeding of genetically distinctive populations has a VERY HIGH PROPENSITY to produce less-distinctive and less-suitable offspring. That isn't racism, or bigotry, or prejudice: it's the uncaring facts of a cold, hard, sharp natural system that doesn't give a shit how you feel about it.


Also, skin color is not a known causative factor in intellectual performance. please please please remember that. An albino African is likely to be of the same intellectual potential as a dark-skinned African.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.7781526   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1538 >>1541 >>1562


>You differentiate between skin color and follicle color? WTF? That's racist! Follical lives matter, too! How dare you discriminate against albinos!


Lol. I remember a time before Poe's Law became the standard for evaluating anything written on the internet and a comment like yours could safely be taken as obvious satire. In this case, I'm still willing to trust <3



>Wait a fucking minute, have you been black this whole time?


LOL, poor anime friend. Life is full of shocking surprises!

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:48 a.m. No.7781540   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>perhaps the are not smart enough


Or maybe they were repeatedly raped as children and never developed proper social and emotional intelligence and are essentially broken, non-functional people masquerading as normal because they are more terrified of the stigma attached to those with mental and emotional defects than they are of remaining broken, or because they are brightly aware of the inherent untrustworthiness of the medical and mental health industries in a poorly-regulated, profit-motivated system that seeks to sell them continuing treatments rather than helping them achieve lasting freedom from their problems.


All behavior is individual behavior, and all tragedies are individual tragedies. But depending on how we handle them as a society, they can escalate beyond the individual and become populational.


>was that just ruffle some feathers here? shitposting for the sake of shitposting?


But, look at the high-quality discussions that have resulted. As it always does, that picture has accomplished its goals.


>old people can't fathom to see their grandkids not looking anything like them.


The analogy I like is the picture of six colors of play dough, which represent diversity. Then you smash them all together and get an amorphous brown blob that's all the same color. That is the destruction of diversity. Careless crossbreeding has a high propensity to destroy distinctiveness and gravitate the pan-racial population toward a lowest-common-denominator situation where diversity is actually lost and everyone looks about the same.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.7781558   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1565


>Incorrect, shill. I didn't post that pic.


He was replying to one of my posts, he just forgot to include the reply link to my post. If you look at that guy's posts, he's only quasi-literate at using a keyboard or maybe he's phonefagging with no autocorrect.

Anonymous ID: 9b0261 Jan. 11, 2020, 1:57 a.m. No.7781568   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Back in the old days, I could say I was a lesbian stuck in a man's body and get people to spit milk out their nose. Now I'm afraid they'd take me seriously.


Yeah, try that now and they'll throw you a parade and give you a reserved parking space. In a week or three you'll be promoted to CEO.