Anonymous ID: a2b932 Jan. 11, 2020, 12:56 a.m. No.7781445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1489 >>1669 >>1724 >>1771


Harry and his Uncle Prince Andrew have much in common; they are both second sons, not heirs to the throne and not even spares, once the heirs have children.

They start off in second place and then drop further down the pecking order with the birth of each child to the heir.

Both Andrew and William saw active service in the military and likely found more purpose to life in their combat roles than their official, royal duties.

Both appeared to be easily led by, and ended up marrying, impulsive and emotional women - strong on self-advancement and light on a sense of duty and obligation to others - one of the Queen's most outstanding attributes.

Both Andrew and Harry have been led astray by self-serving, ambitious wives.

Led by Meghan, Harry has become a Hollywood hanger-on, and this Britanon finds Harry and Meghan's fawning sucking up to celebrities both sickening and unseemly. They espouse the worst libtard causes, hang out with air-heads like Oprah and generally behave like spoilt kids - they have become an embarrassment to the Queen and to our country.