Anonymous ID: aaffcd Jan. 11, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.7781589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1595 >>1601 >>1632 >>1643 >>1679


>Stephen Hawking genius?

The real one, perhaps, maybe.


The fake one, as in

>Epstein buddy

No. Definitely not.


The real one died back in the 80's. They replaced him and have peddled false science and political opinion through the replacement, which was obviously further comped by his pedo overlords. While it may sound far fetched, obviously his voice was that of a robot, which would be far easier to have someone else just type in words that were relayed through "Hawking", spoken by computer, than to actually hook up neurotransmitters capable of relaying Hawking's thoughts into "words. Not only that, but having the disease made people less likely to challenge said person, because any one who would might come off as a "bully" or whatever, especially when dealing with the brainwashed idiots who obviously don't know shit about real science, but believe everything they are told about "science", then act like anyone who challenges said point (even when it's done scientifically) is just too dumb to understand the "science".


I fucking hate clown world. Burn this mother fucker down. Down to the gwound…

Anonymous ID: aaffcd Jan. 11, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.7781780   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This has actually huge for the debate in regards t the validity of the theory of "evolution" via "natural selection". The uniformitarians were wrong. The shit they teach to kids needs to be severely reexamined, and if not corrected entirely, at least begin to introduce the alternative theories that have enormous implications for many fields of science as well as our understanding about our actual origins.


This is an actual infringement on the beliefs of a significant portion of the population. If only the Christians were more aware of what's been going on. Jesus liked to question the powers that be, not submit. Dude was supposed to be a rebel, and they turned him into a hippie, instead.


Anyway, the Truth doesn't seem to be the exact Biblical interpretation, obviously. But this all goes back to faulty foundations. There is a "Creative" Force that is technically responsible for the "Life" that exists on our planet (along with any planet hospitable to "Life" in the Universe). Although, it does NOT mean that some gigantic dude sprinkled fairy dust on our planet. Life existed before the "Creation" events took place. "Life" has been adapting to it's changing cosmic environment along the way. The "miracle" is how we survived a bunch of catastrophes and lived to pass along the tale. But that too, is also thanks to that same "Creative" Force of Nature.


I try not to rant that often about all this. But it's difficult knowing how many things we are going to have to challenge and change to allow for genuine Truth to resonate with the mass population, whose been trusting TF out of a corrupt AF system of lies and illusions.