Anonymous ID: b355c7 Jan. 10, 2020, 11:04 p.m. No.7781125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1217 >>1235 >>1241 >>1247 >>1294 >>1298 >>1413 >>1423 >>1446 >>1520 >>1669 >>1724 >>1771

>>7780925 lb Jim Watkins on radio show


My notes from the first 17 minutes (Not exhaustive or authoritative. Jim's statements in quotes):


"This is the agenda they are pushing: 'Live for today; we are not going to think about tomorrow'. It's unbelievable that any rational minded person would not think about tomorrow… Some kind of big something is going to happen, and you be careful. Watch yourselves. And these 'preppers' may have it right. Because they're pulling out all the stops, and they are people richer than you can imagine… These people are richer than you can imagine…."


It's madness. The one thing that is terrifying is how scared they are of someone like you Jim, the network that you have… and the full force of the media is being used…


"It's not the government, that's what I'm saying.. 'cause we actually need the government to legislate against these people being able to shut down a little guy like me… I'm just a regular guy… nobody's helping us and we're suffering all the time… We actually have to have some legislation to protect us and our rights… They have all these anti-trust things but this is is a little different… People talk about an Internet Bill of Rights and basically that's what we need."


I would say to put it simply, make it illegal for people to perform Social Credit Scoring, whether it be the media or the government.


"They've got a Social Credit Score - that's gonna make me break out in pandas again."


That's the worst thing - you can't travel, you can't get married, can't get a passport, can't be on a train, can't rent, can't get a job, can't get a promotion… if you have any infraction the judge is going to look at your credit score…


"That's literally happening to people I know and my friends, it's like in the 50s…"

The new McCarthy-ism. I believe it's the Communists doing it to us… people think I'm some crazy right-wing person; I'm a liberal and I'm a Christian…"


If you're older than 35 and you're working in Silicon Valley, you're out… and that's an easy way to get people out of the system who are not social justice warriors. IBM is leading this, and there's a bunch of reasons for it, and the reasons are not for protecting the network… The entire internet came from older generations that had a respect for it… They are getting rid of people because people over 35 are less likely to 'step in line' and that's a problem.


"That's Communism - everyone agrees with everything and they don't want to hear other opinions… Communism is a giant echo chamber."


"They have so many billionaires in China. And what the government there does is they distribute money to people who are immigrating to other countries to buy properties, and those become Chinese areas. And if they have that much money, imagine how much money they have to give to our poor House of Reps here. It would be nothing for them to give a billion dollars to each one that would take it."

Anonymous ID: b355c7 Jan. 10, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.7781217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1234 >>1241 >>1291 >>1298 >>1413 >>1423



Some more selected notes from Jim Watkins on FreeDomain Revolution Radio show, from 17 min to 38 min (Excerpts - listen for yourself for full content)


"The actual domain name- we're going to get that back… Paypal are the same people. This is a small group of folks that own everything. Everything of importance, all the infrastructure, is owned by this small group of folks. And a lot of them, they got it by hook and crook. How do you get a 100% government owned company that ends up being owned by a credit card company that's multi-national, and doesn't even let people operate by US business law anymore, and controls everyone else that has the same sort of business, like a cartel. What is going on with that?"


If there's a Social Credit Scoring system going on now and in effect… we are witness to it, and Jim certianly you are affected by it.


"It's down home right now, and it's hitting prison systems right now, because these private companies are doing whatever they want…"


Why get rid of the 1st ammendment if you can just make it obsolete? And that's what they are doing.


"Well you know private companies don't have to follow the 1st ammendment… and if they have a monopoly, and took over a US government wholly-owned company that the US taxpayers spent money to make, and they got it for pennies, and they're using it to enforce their political will so they can get billions or trillions of dollars - is that right? That's why we need an Internet Bill of Rights… But the government washed their hands of it… "

Anonymous ID: b355c7 Jan. 10, 2020, 11:53 p.m. No.7781298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1307 >>1320 >>1351 >>1413




More selected notes from JW on radio show, 38 min - 52 min. (Could be wrong but maybe Jim is pointing at Paypal or Visa?)


"What if the big monopoly boycots us so we are basically deplatformed?"


You know Discord? The "Discord Trust and Safety Team" has deplatformed a kratom channel. They allow all kinds of CP and bestiality, but they shut down the kratom channel. It's not even just political speech- anything the powers-that-be don't like, it's in danger.


"The big-money people are having too much power now, and maybe we had that problem at the beginning of the industrial revolution, and now we're having it at the beginning of the information revolution, and this is just the beginning. Either that or it's the sickening ending - the big death dive off the cliff…"


"I just had 88 domains burned and none of them had 8ch on them or anything - they were burned because I'm a part of 8kun. And that is Social Credit Scoring. Someone needs to look into who owns that big credit card company, because that's where things get really deep. And that book 'Fight Club' where they blew up VISA, you know maybe he was spot-on."

Anonymous ID: b355c7 Jan. 11, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.7781413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455




More selected notes from JW on the video, after the radio show from 1:19 - 1:28. (Most of 0:52 - 1:19 during the radio show was talk about Philippines and Southern California)

The phrase 'umbrella corp' seems to be important here and Jim repeats it several times near the end. Maybe some anons have ideas about that, especially related to his reference to Resident Evil and Raccoon City.


"I'm concerned we're going to get the whole network turned off. It's super serious. Because these guys are.. I had 88 domains, that had nothing to do with anything, shut down yesterday… No reason other than they don't want to do business with me because of my Social Credit Score, basically."

"Let me read [their letter] to you: 'As part of our ongoing monitoring, we are aware of the content on your website that is not in compliance with our Acceptable Use Policy'…"

"So Network Solutions is monitoring people's websites. This is not what they are supposed to do. But they can do that, because they are owning multiple corporations and controlling the entire industry."

" [letter continued-] 'As such, we consider your continued use of our services a serious issue and a risk to our business and reputation, and formally request that you seek another registrar'…"

"Well I brought this to an attorney so we'll see what happens about it. But that 'one' [domain] that they want to shut down is not on their network, though they shut down 88 others that are on their network. They just want to see how much they can damage this person and take away his ability to make money, because I'm not under 35 and can't get another job."

"That's what I was so upset about. This happened, and then some other things happened at the same time, and it was obviously orchestrated by multiple corporations that are owned by the same umbrella corp. Can I say 'umbrella corp?' I'm just gonna call it 'umbrella corp' - you know like in Resident Evil? They're from like 'Raccoon City'."

"They're one of the biggest companies on Earth. They have political reasons to shut us down."

"God bless y'all. Love you guys.. I think you guys are getting the idea about what I was upset about. Goodnight, God bless us every one."