Anonymous ID: ba6987 Jan. 10, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.7781213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1226


I'm still a fan of the theory that there was a plan to shoot it down from the beginning and blame the Americans.


Originally, the idea was that the plan was Iran's so they could point the finger. But if they were in the middle of a symbolic gesture due to the benevolence of GEOTUS… they wouldn't actually hurt anyone. Especially if there was an agreement in place not to harm any Americans.


What would make more sense would be that the Cabal brought it down.


Cabal in one ear.

GEOTUS in the other ear via IKEA Fax.


Iran knew what TPTB were up to, and so did the White Hats.

For example… why was someone filming to capture when the missile hit the plane in the first place?


If the DS has pulled off their stunt and made it seem like the US killed Canadian, Ukrainian, and Iranian civilians, that would have been blows to the USMCA, Impeachment, and War optics, at the very least. Could be excuses to back out of the trade agreement, launch and investigation into why Drrrrumpf murdered Ukrainians while under investigation for Ukraine related activities, AND potentially slap The Bad Orange man with a war crimes something or other.


And when that didn't work, Pelosi had to say she'll fork over the impeachment thingies, which she probably would have held up while they launched nonsense investigations to see if they could restart or add to the articles or some other stupid shit.


What was Mossad up to during all that?

What about China?

Anonymous ID: ba6987 Jan. 11, 2020, 2:57 a.m. No.7781700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well Iran was fun but…


The Independent: 'Israelis Don't Want to Be America's Pawns in The Middle East Any Longer. We've Suffered Enough'


Is Israel next or is "next" still not last?

Anonymous ID: ba6987 Jan. 11, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.7781739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1745 >>1771

Gilets Jaunes seems a lil' m0ar active than usual.

Related to the shoutout from GEOTUS?


Acte 61: Live


There's a n antifa flag in fram at the moment.

Behind an altered hong kong one?