Your image posts annoy me, so I just filter you immediately I see your spam
The images you post over and over take up valuable space in the breads
Subliminal or whatever your aims, you just come across as a Shill/NPC/BOT
Filtered !
Your image posts annoy me, so I just filter you immediately I see your spam
The images you post over and over take up valuable space in the breads
Subliminal or whatever your aims, you just come across as a Shill/NPC/BOT
Filtered !
I've successfully red-pilled a few people by starting them out with the explanation of the replacement Hawking shill
just lettting them investigate his background, his illness, their jaws drop and you can see them beginning their journey to awareness
I'm surprised that "they" haven't replaced "Hawking" with some other crippled mouthpiece to shill their pseudo-science
nah, it's shadilay synchronicity, anon
I've rarely seen the Hawking subject discussed here much, if at all
I researched celebrity cripple Hawking years ago
it's an eye opener for lots of people, once they realize they have been spoon fed lies from the "stars"
>Shills trying their hardest to paint 8kun as racist?
yep, the glow-division shills have been changing tactics lately, trying to also define Q followers as stupid cultists and insulting and dividing whilst also condescending and being abusive to posters
>Neil de Grasse Tyson
yes, but he doesn't have the same credibility as a wheelchair bound whimpering, robot-voiced ugly cripple like Hawking
rod and ring
what immediately comes to my mind is the space based "rods of god" kinetic energy weapons that the US has obviously been using to take out bunkers, etc