Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.7781908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2376 >>2543

SOROS Funded Prosecutor in HOT WATER-


Real Quick before Sauce- This Chic is super bad for my area and can't wait until the cuffs get slapped on her. She wont prosecute any black, and is one of the people BARR was talking about when he said SOROS was invading our Judicial system. This bitch framed/Lied on the GOV, and hopefully is about to pay.


ST. LOUIS, Mo. — The St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office is ordered to step aside after allegations from a special prosecutor the Office is fighting the truth.


It’s all tied to the failed investigation into former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.


In court today, a special prosecutor for the State of Missouri accused Kim Gardner’s office of using taxpayer money to fight against her own State. A Gardner’s office rep fought back calling the attack “salacious and suspicious.”


The arguments surround a deposition scheduled for next week, that will seek answers about the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s role in taking down Missouri’s Governor.


Special Prosecutor Gerard Carmody is scheduled Monday to depose former Circuit Attorney employee Anthony Box. Carmody wants to ask Box about Box’s former colleague – private investigator William Don Tisaby. Tisaby faces indictment for perjury. He’s accused of lying while the Circuit Attorney’s Office went after Missouri’s former Governor Eric Greitens. That was a criminal case that fell apart when top prosecutor Kim Gardner herself, refused to answer questions in Court.


Now Special Prosecutor Carmody is accusing Gardner’s office or trying to silence Gardner’s former employee in Monday’s deposition.


Carmody told the Judge, “The Circuit Attorney’s office has hired five law firms and told them – ‘Do whatever you can to obfuscate this investigation.”


Carmody asked the Judge to disqualify them from the deposition adding, “If they’ve forgotten about ethics, they should be worried about a criminal violation,” for being at the deposition.


A Circuit Attorney rep countered to the Judge – “This is an attack designed to get headlines.” She added, “We have zero interest in the Tisaby outcome.” She said they have a right to be at Monday’s deposition explaining, “We need to be there to protect Circuit Attorney records, communication and work product.”


The Judge pointedly asked the Circuit Attorney rep, “Here’s the $64,000 question- when (the witness) shows up, if I allow (the Circuit Attorney’s Office) to be there. Will your office voice opposition and objections to questioning?”


The Circuit Attorney representative answered: “Yes.”


Judge Bryan Hettenbach then said he was going to handle this “People’s Court Style” – by making a decision after a short recess. He returned within ten minutes and he disqualified the Circuit Attorney’s Office from intervening in the deposition. He added the deposition will move forward without delay Monday.


Former investigator Tisaby’s trial remains set for March 30th.