Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.7782103   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Alabama Rep. Ready to Censure Prominent Democrat for Impeachment Nonsense

By Paul Duke January 9, 2020

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) will introduce a resolution on Thursday to censure House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for obstructing the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Byrne, who is vying for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate this year from his native Alabama, believes the speaker has broken congressional precedence by refusing to send the articles of impeachment to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“Speaker Pelosi’s decision to hold the articles of impeachment against President Trump in a pathetic and unconstitutional attempt to extract concessions from the Senate is an unprecedented abuse of power,” Byrne told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement. “House Democrats made the misguided decision to rush through the most legally unsound and factually unsupported articles of impeachment in the history of this country, and they can’t now insist that the Senate fix their shoddy, incomplete work.”

Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:09 a.m. No.7782112   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2125


Marianne Williamson has exited the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, she announced on Friday.

In a statement on her website, the author and “spiritual adviser” said she didn’t want her campaign to diminish the success of progressive candidates leading the polls in early states.

“I stayed in the race to take advantage of every possible effort to share our message,” she said. “With caucuses and primaries now about to begin, however, we will not be able to garner enough votes in the election to elevate our conversation any more than it is now. The primaries might be tightly contested among the top contenders, and I don’t want to get in the way of a progressive candidate winning any of them.”

In an early sign of what was to come, Williamson reportedly laid off her entire campaign staff at the start of the new year due to dwindling campaign cash. The self-help author also failed to qualify for any subsequent primary debates after appearing in the first two.

Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.7782119   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2123

Local Police Nab Iranian National with $22K Cash, Machete, Axe, and Knives in Florida

ByPaul Duke January 10, 2020

The Iranian regime, for all of their foolhardy whims, are no dummies. They known how to play the game of international political charades and they do so with aplomb. Over the course of the last week, the United States has been reminded of this very fact.

After an Iranian-backed militia attacked the US embassy in Baghdad on New Year’s Day, President Donald Trump ordered a drone strike that killed one of Iran’s top military leaders, General Qasem Soleimani.

Never one to waste a perfectly good tragedy, Iran then fired 15 ballistic missiles in the general direction of American troops in Iraq in “retaliation”. Only the missile strike was telegraphed to the intended targets and also purposefully off-target, as Iran could risk taking any American lives in such a brazen, state sponsored act. Crossing that line would have spelled doom for them.

Instead, it appears as though Iran could be ready to take their revenge through covert channels, utilizing the terror methods honed and refined by the late Soleimani. The latest out of Florida makes this possibility all the more alarming.

A man arrested by Palm Beach Police this morning had $22,000, a machete and a pick ax, in addition to knives in his possession, according to an officer with the department.

The man, identified by his passport as Masoud Yareioeill Zoleh, an Iranian national, also had a car parked at Palm Beach International Airport, Public Information Officer Michael Ogrodnick said.

The department is working with other federal partners in the investigation, Ogrodnick said.

Zoleh was arrested just over the Flagler Memorial Bridge at Bradley Park. Initial reports said he had several knives on him. Ogrodnick said the department received a call at about 9:30 a.m. regarding Zoleh. He would not give details on what the caller said.

Should Iran choose to sponsor terrorism, as opposed to facing the US military head-on, it would provide the government in Tehran plausible deniability as to their involvement in such attacks, which in turn could create a partial buffer against US retaliation.

Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:16 a.m. No.7782148   🗄️.is đź”—kun

State Department Official Shutdown CNN Anchor & Leaves Her Speechless

A US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus completely shutdown a far-left CNN International anchor with three facts that left the CNN anchor speechless.

The cocky CNN anchor, Becky Anderson, was either completely ignorant of what she was reporting on or flat out lying. However, this is CNN who also on Tuesday evening lied about the President’s activity after the missile attack so both could be true. Here’s a partial transcript:

Fact number 1

CNN: The United States does seem to be almost completely isolated when it comes to its position on Iran at present. U.S. allies in Europe, in the Middle East where I am, and in Asia are calling for de-escalation or are virtually silent. There is almost no support for U.S. actions. Where are America’s allies at this point?

ORTAGUS: With all due respect that is just another completely inaccurate observation. You could look at the E3 statement this morning that was put out by the Germans, the British, and the French.

Later Ortagus circled back to this:

ORTAGUS: Your audience should know and should go back and read the E3 statement put out by the Germans, the French, the British that contradicts what you just said to me, because it completely contradicts you.

Anderson was speechless.

Here is what the actual E3 statement says.

The second fact that embarrassed the news anchor was when Anderson tried to inject fake news claiming that E3 allies want to de-escalate and that President Trump doesn’t appear to de-escalate with Iran.

Ortagus destroyed her….

ORTAGUS: We [meaning the United States] have talked about the need for de-escalation. We have called for a peaceful resolution. The president has consistently said that he does not want a war, that we believe we can solve our differences bilaterally. There are two things this president has consistently said since the beginning of his administration: that he wants peace, that he doesn’t want war, and that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon. Those two things are not mutually inconsistent.

Number three occurred when Anderson tried to make it sound like Ortagus was lying because Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he was disappointed by what our allies have said.

CNN: Hold on. Hold on a minute. Mike Pompeo said he was disappointed with the Europeans’ reaction. What did he mean by that?

ORTAGUS: He said that on Friday night, and there’s a brand-spanking-new statement this morning from the E3 that we’re quite pleased with, and that you can go and Google right now.

And then there was just silence and it was amazing, CNN is such a joke. /

Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.7782225   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Bitter George Conway Releases Releases A Cruel Ad Aimed At Christians


George Conway started a PAC called the Lincoln Project and they are no longer just attacking President Trump. Conway’s bitterness for President Trump has now included those that support him and his group released a very cruel ad attacking Christians who support President Trump.

The ad opens with a bible verse: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

It then cuts to footage of President Trump quotes before he was President and footage of him attacking Democrats. Next, it pokes fun at Christian leaders who support him and mixes the footage together attempting to make evangelicals look like fools.

The ad ends with saying “If this is the best American Christians can do, then God help us all.”

In a tweet, a member of the Lincoln Project Rick Wilson said, “We’re just getting started.”

The Lincoln Project is just another angry rhino never-trumpet group led by George Conway similar to Bill Kristol’s group Republicans For The Rule of Law.

Liberals and never-trumpers have taken their hatred of President Trump and are now focusing it on evangelicals because they strongly support the President and helped get him elected. The ad is an obvious attempt to shame Christians who support President Trump and hurt his base.

I watched the entire ad and most of the cuts that the group used were President Trump attacking the media, violent protestors who infiltrated his rally, and Democrats. One clip, in particular, was when President Trump told Jim Acosta to sit down because he is “Fake News.”

There is nothing more righteous than calling out a liar like Jim Acosta and using emotion to speak out against the coup that has tried to remove President Trump from office.

If anything this ad makes me want to vote for President Trump, even more, just knowing that it’s going to piss off George Conway, Bill Kristol, and other liberal elitists. /

Anonymous ID: 01af51 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.7782248   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Trump Jr. Nukes Disgraced Comedian After She Posts Lies About A Decorated War Veteran

Disgraced comedian Kathy Griffin not only got put in her place by Trump Jr. but looked like a complete idiot over comments she made attack Defense Secretary Mark Esper who is a decorated combat veteran.


On Wednesday, Giffin attacked Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper and made false claims about his service in the military questioning why President Donald Trump appointed him to the position.

Griffin who was rightfully ostracized from the US after her photoshoot holding up a fake severed head of President Trump. humiliated herself further on twitter asking her followers,

“Who is the current secretary of defense?”

Later Griffin posted, “Ok, it’s time to admit how ignorant we are. His name is Mark Esper. Trump chose him because he used to work at Boeing. He was a captain in the army during a non-war period.”


Not one word of what Griffen wrote that was true. President Trump did not choose him because he worked at Boeing, it never came up in his confirmation hearing because he NEVER for Boeing. Esper is also a combat veteran who served in the Gulf War with the 101st Airborne Division.


Trump Jr. responded in a statement to the Daily Wire about Griffin’s lies and said:

“The left can’t even be creative with their lies anymore. Secretary Esper is a combat veteran who was awarded both the Bronze Star and the Combat Infantryman’s Badge. He served as Secretary of the Army. He’s a West Point & Harvard graduate with a PhD from George Washington University. And he never worked for Boeing. That tweet is quite similar to Griffin’s career — a bad joke and a failure.”


Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) also spoke up and said, “Secretary Esper is a proven warrior who walks the walk and is an amazing patriot who has been an exceptional Secretary of Defense thus far.”


The Department of Defense also mentions the awards that Esper has earned throughout his service:

Dr. Esper is a recipient of the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. Among his many military awards and decorations are the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal-Saudi Arabia, and the Combat Infantryman Badge.”


As one former senior White House official put it, “Mark Esper is a decorated combat veteran and has earned the respect from every American for his service. The same can’t be said for Kathy Griffin, whose claim to fame is being a pathetic comic trying to revive her failed, worthless career.”

Daily Wire Written by Staff Writer - January 9, 2020 /