Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.7782157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This will put 99% of people in hospital.

Poisoning children and babies

Killing them softly with these foods, killing them softly…


First-of-its-kind Canadian experiment finds body levels of hormone disrupting BPA and BPS spike after handling receipts


First-of-its-kind Canadian experiment finds body levels of hormone disrupting BPA and BPS spike after handling receipts


Environmental Defence calls on the Canadian government to immediately ban BPA and other bisphenols on receipts to protect cashiers and customers


Toronto, Ont. – An experiment released today and conducted by Environmental Defence shows that cashiers are exposed to significant levels of hormone-disrupting bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS) by handling receipts on the job. These same thermal paper receipts are suspected of contributing greatly to Canadians’ daily exposure to bisphenols.


“To see the levels of BPA and BPS in my body grow upwards of a hundred-fold just from holding receipts is mind boggling,” says Muhannad Malas, Toxics Program Manager at Environmental Defence and one of the experiment participants. “It is even more alarming that this is happening in the bodies of hundreds of thousands of women and teenage cashiers who are more biologically vulnerable to the effects of these chemicals.”


All those products with BPA-free labels

Used to have this poison in them

Like baby bottles

Now, they could well contain BPS

As a replacement


Gerber says safety is No. 1 priority after baby food study


The study , conducted by Healthy Babies Bright Futures, tested 168 baby foods from major manufacturers in the U.S. and found 95% contained lead, 73% contained arsenic, 75% had cadmium and 32% contained mercury.


A company spokesperson said trace amounts of elements like arsenic and lead occur naturally in the environment, so it’s possible for them to be found in fruits, vegetables and grains.


“Given their natural occurrence in our soil and water, many food safety and agricultural experts suggest that it is not feasible to achieve a ‘zero’ level of these elements — even in homemade foods made from organic ingredients,” the spokesperson said.

Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:32 a.m. No.7782221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2261



Could those African "kids"

Actually be soldiers imported into the USA as sleepers

For the Chinese communists?

When the caravans from Mexico hit the news

Some Anons thought it was cover for a Chinese invasion

And found night-vision video

Of young men in military uniform

Running though the desert after crossing

There was info on safe houses in some California cities.

China happens to be heavily involved in Africa

Supposedly doing development projects

Like building bridges

But we also know they tried to get control of US ports

And these are a gateway for human trafficking in containers

Africans blend in better in the USA

Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:34 a.m. No.7782235   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's because the Anon was using a projected flight path.

Other planefags corrected this and correlated data from several services.

Also, Iran claimed that the plane deviated from the normal path

And went over a sensitive military area.

This was also debunked by planefags.

Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:42 a.m. No.7782275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2297



Fucking clown shill



Trying to distract Autists from doing real digging

And following the real criminals

Whose symbolism really will be their downfall

Unless your stupid fucking game distracts them from the work


The person who did this is clearly from the same Illuminati bloodline

That set up Ravensberger games in Germany

Because they are using a similar style to their Memory game

Ravensberger produced intelligence enhancing games

That were targeted at the kids from Illuminati bloodlines

Or the kids of their minions.

When the school system is compromised to DUMB DOWN CHILDREN

The Cabal needs material outside the system

To keep their kids in the top 2 percentile.

Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.7782303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2327 >>2332

Remember that Q chose the chan boards for a very special reason.

Because we Anons here

Have no fucking Respect for anybody

Or any institution

We''ll call a nigger a spade

Even if he has white skin and blond hair.

We''ll call out neo-nazis

Even when they are of African extraction

And we'll demand a cunt

To show us her boobs

Even if she is claiming that some nerd raped her.


NO respect whatsoever


Fuck the pope with a baseball bat

He's just a fucking clown!!!

Anonymous ID: 5bced3 Jan. 11, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.7782503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2597 >>2602



This is an internal coup

The Soleimani cult of the IRGC is being taken out.

The plane was all Iranians (with several different citizenship)

Why did they leave when there was a NOTAM to not fly?

Because they were either running for their lives

Or because they were IRGC sleepers that had to get back to foreign countries

Either to sleep in safety

Or to take actions as part of IRGC's retaliation


But, the same people who told the USA where Soleimani would be

Shot down the plane

It may even be a coup within the IRGC itself

Where some people want to get rid of tough-talking hardliners

Because they attract too much attention

Which cuts the profits of their criminal businesses.