Anonymous ID: a9ff23 Jan. 11, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.7782379   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2395


amazon com/Living-Corn-James-Corny-Fired-ebook/dp/B071HP1WCX


Dimald Trimp is the head of the American Agriculture Agency, and he’s as corrupt as they come. Lately, it’s been working out fine for the unethical politician, but things are suddenly coming to a head now that James Corny, the handsome living corn in charge of ethics investigations, has shown interest in Dimald’s connection to sentient Russian beets.


With the Russian beets breathing down his neck, Dimald sees no other option but to fire James Corny, but things are always easier said than done in politics. Now Dimald is taking an erotic journey deep within the butt of this sentient vegetable investigator, and learning more about his own true nature than he ever wanted.


This erotic tale is 4,100 words of sentient corn on unethical politician action, including anal, blowjobs, rough sex, cream pies, and handsome living vegetable love.

Anonymous ID: a9ff23 Jan. 11, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.7782479   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2487 >>2543



Puerto Rico calls for special prosecutor over disgraced former governor's chat scandal


Puerto Rico's Department of Justice is calling for a special independent prosecutor to investigate the participants in the scandalous private chat that set off the largest protest in the island's history and led to the resignation of Ricardo RossellĂł as the island's governor last summer.


DOJ Secretary Denisse Longo Quiñones said in a news release Friday that the request follows a preliminary investigation into the 889 pages of chats from the encrypted messaging app Telegram that were published last year by the island's Center for Investigative Journalism (known as CPI for their name in Spanish).


Based on that initial inquiry, Longo Quiñones said Rosselló should be investigated for his participation in the chat as well as 13 other people, including those who were active or quiet in the chat.

Anonymous ID: a9ff23 Jan. 11, 2020, 6:24 a.m. No.7782488   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2563


Puerto Rico Hit by Another Magnitude 6 Earthquake


Puerto Rico was hit by a series of new earthquakes on Saturday including one which measured 6.0 on the Richter scale, according to the United States Geological Survey.


There were no immediate reports of injuries and no tsunami warning was issued.


The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement on its website that “based on available data, there is no significant tsunami threat” from the latest incident.


However, the center added, “there is a very small possibility of tsunami waves along coasts located nearest the epicenter,” which was about 13 kilometers (8 miles) south of the village of Indios on the island’s south coast.


The cities of Lares, Adjuntas, Ponce and San German suffered a blackout due to the quake, Puerto Rico’s electricity authority said on Twitter. Tests were being carried out to restore the service as soon as possible, the AEE added.


AHORA: Sectores de Lares, Adjuntas, Ponce y San German perdieron el servicio debido al más reciente sismo. Actualmente se llevan a cabo pruebas para restablecer el servicio a la brevedad posible. CC7

— Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (@AEEONLINE) January 11, 2020


The quake was the latest of a series of seismic events since the island was hit by a 6.4 magnitude tremor on Tuesday, shutting down the complete power infrastructure and leading to Governor Wanda Vazquez Garced calling a state of emergency for the U.S. commonwealth.


Garced on Saturday said she was in contact with mayors in the area of the latest quake. All agencies were in the southern part of the island assisting the people affected by the tremors, she added.