Anonymous ID: b24a43 Jan. 11, 2020, 6:06 a.m. No.7782405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Same here!

Since the 1990’s I’ve been fighting big govt. corrupt Presidents, officials, the entire SWAMP.

I’ve tried to “ trust the plan” for a 3 1/2 yrs.

I’ve seen glimmers of hope. Times when I thought, yes this is happening. Not anymore!

With Huber, whitewashing his investigation and now Fisa court being whitewashed, tell me, does it feel like winning? Fuck you to the shills who will surely blast me! You can waste your life trying to persuade ppl w/o any real proof. I’ve learned by actual experience that ppl aren’t persuaded by me telling them to trust something they can’t see, hear or feel, right. And when I say something BIG is coming (at least a 100x’s) and nothing of real substance happens, well that doesn’t cut it! It’s almost of if this is really the OPPOSITE of what ppl stated, the purported plan. Like the plan is to flush US out, then we are exposed and dealt with by banning us when we try to get the word out.

I’m an eternal optimist. That’s why I will focus MY energies on something that is REAL, Potus getting re-elected. All of this other crap is just NOISE, which I’ll still check out, but have very little faith in.

To be clear, I love my country! I was born a patriot. I love you ppl. I despise the D’s b/c they are ruining our country. This “Plan” you must admit, has been so-so to date. But everytime I read the swamp is still controlling aspects of TRUMP’S govt. I have to wonder, when is this “ Plan” gonna come to fruition?

Not today folks! Not today.

Ps to those who want shout me done, have at it. I’m laughing at you, while you waste your LIFE here. Waiting for an unknown person you treat like a god, to post a few nonsensical sentences.