Anonymous ID: a67776 Jan. 11, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.7783156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

course the US is concerned about protecting the second White House in Denver, so President Trump’s joke about building a wall around Colorado was not as much in jest as sincere. It is not a physical wall, but a drone guard that has been erected, as the Denver Post reported. This drone guard extends into states south of Colorado such as New Mexico, and into California where illegal immigrants proliferate. Starlink satellite launches have added to this confusion, forming a long string of lights in the night sky. Is any of this the new Space Force in action? No.


A characteristic of drones is that they can hover, like mini-helicopters. Thus, in California the bright lights in a group were engaged in scanning the ground below, in a grid like manner, while when viewed from a distance appeared to be standing still. These military drones can defend themselves. They can shoot down birds or any counter-drone offensives, as was noted on a New Mexico drone force film. Then there is the debris in the tail of Nibiru, which is wafting toward the Earth increasingly. Combined with the petrol elements in the tail, which form neon clouds and magnetic swirls, this debris can descend like bright snakes.


Then there are legitimate UFO displays done by the visitors communicating with Earthlings below. These are characterized by rapid maneuvers that could not be accomplished by drones or any of man’s devices. They can also disappear into another dimension. The recent Las Vegas UFO had such aspects. Was the red glowing bar seen in Kazakhstan a legitimate UFO? Clues that this was reflected sunlight on a high building sticking above the clouds are that the display was always low, essentially in the clouds, and no motion was detected.


They live in 2020. We the little people get to live in 1990. Slaves we are still

Anonymous ID: a67776 Jan. 11, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.7783178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


because we are slaves. And most anons think they a helping when the system already had the information.. The whole system needs to go. Old and the new. Because the news sings like the old