Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.7784428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4464

Obama Secretary Of State John Kerry Knew U.S. Dollars From The Iran Nuclear Deal Would End Up In The Hands Of TERRORISTS!


This is so disturbing!


Newly resurfaced footage from 2016 shows former Obama Administration Secretary of State John Kerry stating that he knew part of the 55 billion dollars that was sent to Iran as part of the Obama Iran Nuclear deal might end up in the hands of militant Iranian terrorist groups!

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.7784438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4453 >>4719 >>4748

Merkel and Putin agree Iran nuclear deal should be preserved by all means


President Vladimir Putin and Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed that preserving the Iran nuclear deal is a matter of “tremendous importance” stressing that the agreement should be kept by all means necessary.


Both leaders believe that the 2015agreement, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA), still can and should be preserved, despite the latest spike in tensions sparked by the US assassination of a top Iranian general.


Speaking to journalists in Moscow following her meeting with Putin, Merkel said that “everything must be done to keep the JCPOA going” and vowed to use “all the diplomatic tools to help this agreement.”


It is not perfect but it is still an agreement and it involves responsibilities for all the parties involved. And we want to keep it.


Putin also described the deal as “tremendously important” and said that both Moscow and Berlin agree that all parties need to “come back to the deal.”


After the US refused to abide by the agreement, Iran announced suspension of its obligations as well. I would like to underscore that these obligations were voluntarily embraced by Iran. Iran is ready to come back to full compliance with the JPCOA.


Iran has rolled back all the limitations that it committed to under the 2015 nuclear deal, following the US assassination of Quds Force commander, Major General Qassem Soleimani, as well as a barrage of crippling sanctions imposed by Washington after America itself left the agreement.


Putin further expressed hope that a special-purpose vehicle called INSTEX Europe, created to facilitate trade with Iran in circumvention of US sanctions, would soon “be up and running” and that European nations “would deliver on their promise to create an independent mechanism free of the dollar influence.”


So far, Europe’s endeavors in this area have not been particularly successful. The mechanism was originally created in early 2019, but was apparently limited to what the European nations called high-priority “humanitarian goods,” such as food and medical supplies. Meanwhile, European companies have been in no rush to trade with Iran, out of fear of losing the American market as a result of possible sanctions.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.7784455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FAA slaps Boeing on the wrist with $5.4mn fine over faulty 737 MAX parts… as sacked CEO departs with $62mn


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has signaled that it will seek to fine Boeing some $5.4 million, accusing the multi-billion dollar company of wittingly installing defective parts on its ill-fated 737 MAX jets.


The FAA said Boeing had “failed to adequately oversee its suppliers to ensure they complied with the company's quality assurance system,” in a statement on Friday, adding that it had “knowingly submitted aircraft for final FAA airworthiness certification after determining that the parts could not be used due to a failed strength test.”


The aviation regulator announced in June that over 300 Boeing aircraft might contain faulty components which could injure passengers or prevent planes from landing safely, and said it would require the company to replace the parts.


While the company has taken a serious hit in quarterly earnings over the last year after a series of fatal crashes involving the 737 MAX – which has been grounded worldwide since last March – each year Boeing counts its profits in the billions, making the proposed fine a barely perceptible slap on the wrist.


Boeing’s recently ousted CEO Dennis Muilenburg, who was fired in December as the company struggled in the aftermath of the MAX crashes, was given $62 million in benefits as he departed the firm – a sum dwarfing the FAA’s latest fine. He was slated to receive a “severance” package and stocks worth millions more, but forfeited the offer.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.7784489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4518

Microsoft in trouble after revelation unvetted Chinese contractors listened in on Skype calls with NO security


Microsoft is in damage control after former employee has claimed that contractors in China reviewed audio recordings from Skype calls over the open internet, with zero security measures, no vetting, and one shared password.


Cybersecurity was nonexistent in Microsoft’s audio transcription and rating program, according to a former contractor who spoke to the Guardian on Friday. The company sent contractors a username and password in plaintext, unencrypted email, using the same password for everyone who joined in a given year. They also neglected to vet workers, the ex-contractor said, adding that they merely took his bank account details when he was hired.


Other than the popular VoIP and messaging service, the Cortana voice assistant is also claimed to have been affected


Theoretically, any contractor could access the account of any other, allowing one “bad apple” to wreak immense havoc on the system while covering their tracks.Nor were there any security measures in place to protect the recordings contractors listened to, the ex-employee said.


These were accessed over the open internet in China, where the companies Microsoft outsourced to were located. This, the report emphasizes, means users’ data could be pilfered or otherwise misused not only by a rogue contractor, but also by the Chinese government.


What it does not mention is that the American government has had access to Microsoft users’ data at least since the company became the first tech firm to join the NSA’s PRISM program in 2007, or that Microsoft actually helped the NSA penetrate its encryption.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.7784515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Climate Experts Suggest Trump Was Right When He Blamed California’s Wildfires On Land Management


Climate experts are apparently backing President Donald Trump’s repeated arguments that California’s wildfires were a result of poor land management rather than climate change, E&E reported Thursday.


Roughly 75% of damage stemming from California’s wildfires was a result of “the way we manage lands and develop our landscape,” Scott Stephens, a professor of fire science at the University of California, Berkeley, said Wednesday at a conference in Washington.


Wildfires used to burn through 4.5 million acres a year in the 18th century, when indigenous communities populated California’s countryside, Stephens noted. “Fire was almost as important as rain to ecosystems,” he added.


Stephens was not the only researcher at the National Council for Science and the Environment to made that point. “Wildfire is not really wildfire — it’s not pointy green trees,” Jennifer Montgomery, director of the California Forest Management Task Force, added.


Montgomery continued: “You get these so-called wildfires at intersection of development.”


Trump makes similar arguments.


“There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,” the president tweeted in September 2018 when fires were scorching their way across the Golden State.


The cost associated with firefighting is increasing dramatically, hitting a record $1.1 billion in 2017. The president signed “fire funding fix” legislation in 2018 to give federal agencies $2.25 billion to fight fires starting in 2020. That amount would increase to nearly $3 billion by 2027.


Montgomery and Stephens’ comments also come in stark contrast to remarks made by California’s largest power utility.


California’s “prolonged, record drought; unprecedented tree mortality; heat waves;” and offshore “Diablo” winds created “a significant and an unforeseen increase in wildfires,” PG&E CEO Bill Johnson told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in December.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7784531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK: Counter-Terrorism Unit Listed Extinction Rebellion as Extremist Group


An English regional counter-terrorism policing unit listed Extinction Rebellion in an anti-extremism guidance note that includes Islamist and far-right terror organisations. Authorities said they would recall the document after inquiries from the left-liberal Guardian newspaper.


The Guardian has revealed that Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE) had included Extinction Rebellion in a 12-page booklet entitled Safeguarding Young People and Adults from Ideological Extremism.


The document was aimed at teachers and police when on the lookout for signs of radicalisation in young people in the referral process for Prevent, the government’s programme that intervenes primarily with youths at risk of extremism or committing acts of terror.


Other groups and ideologies listed in the document include the banned far-right National Action, extreme Satanism, the proscribed Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun, and animal rights extremism. The newspaper reports that national counter-terrorism officials said that the document was produced at a local level and believe that Extinction Rebellion’s inclusion was a mistake.


On Extinction Rebellion, the document advises authorities to be on the look-out for “propaganda materials” and the group’s logo. The CTPSE also advises being aware of young people discussing “NVDA” (non-violent direct action) and pupils who “neglect to attend school” or “participate in planned school walkouts” — a reference to the school climate strikes popularised by climate wunderkind and Extinction Rebellion supporter Greta Thunberg.


The document also advises that signs of extremism include expressing a desire to be arrested or “admiration for those arrested for protest activity” as well as those speaking in “strong or emotive terms about environmental issues like climate change, ecology, species extinction, fracking, airport expansion or pollution”.


On why the regional counter-terrorism unit said that the group should be considered a “threat”, it said: “Anti-establishment philosophy that seeks system change underlies its activism; the group attracts to its events school-age children and adults unlikely to be aware of this. While non-violent against persons, the campaign encourages other law-breaking activities.”


“While concern about climate change is not in itself extreme, activists may encourage vulnerable people to perform acts of violence, or commit such acts themselves,” it added.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.7784549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Director Tells Surveillance Court He ‘Deeply Regrets’ Failures In Carter Page FISA Process


FBI Director Christopher Wray told the federal surveillance court in a letter Friday that he “deeply regrets” the bureau’s many errors in the process to obtain surveillance warrants on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


“The FBI has the utmost respect for this Court, and deeply regrets the errors and omissions identified by the OIG,” Wray wrote in a letter to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).


A judge on the FISC ordered the FBI on Dec. 17 to respond by Friday with a roadmap on how the bureau plans to address the problems identified in a Justice Department inspector general’s (IG) report regarding applications for warrants to wiretap Page.


The IG report, released on Dec. 9, identified 17 errors and omissions that the FBI made in its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications against Page. The report said FBI agents withheld information that undercut the bureau’s suspicion that Page worked as an agent of Russia while he served on the Trump team. Agents also failed to disclose information that raised questions about the credibility and motives of Christopher Steele, a former British spy Democrats hired b to investigate President Donald Trump.


The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s infamous dossier in the Page FISA applications.


Wray, who took over the FBI more than a month after the fourth and final Page FISA had been approved, said that one remedy he plans to implement will be to use the Page FISA as a case study in training sessions that FBI personnel will be required to undergo.


“FBI personnel will be instructed on the errors and omissions that were made in the Carter Page FISA applications and associated processes,” Wray said.


The training will include a test “to confirm that personnel understand the expectations and the materials,” as well as certification for FBI employees who have completed the training, he added.


Wray set April 30 as a deadline to complete the training.


Steele asserted in the dossier that Page and others on the Trump campaign were part of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election, according to the IG report. The report said the FBI did not corroborate the allegation but used the claim to assert that Page was a Russian agent.


The special counsel’s investigation undercut the idea that Page was a Russian agent. Page, a former Naval officer, was never charged in the investigation. A report of that probe said that investigators found no evidence that anyone on the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the election or acted as an agent of Russia.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7784573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Los Zetas Gunman Shot in Mexican Gun Battle that Killed 8 Caught in Texas


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – A Los Zetas gunman fled to Texas after being shot multiple times in a fierce gunbattle with Mexican authorities this week. U.S. Border Patrol agents tracked him down, apprehended him, and provided medical assistance. The gunman fled from g a shootout that resulted in eight dead gunmen.


The shootout took place on Thursday shortly after 3 p.m. when a group of Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas gunmen attacked a police checkpoint near the town of Guerrero. The Mexican town is located not far from the banks of the Rio Grande, information provided to Breitbart Texas by the Coahuila Public Security Secretariat revealed.


The gunmen riding in several vehicles pulled up to a police checkpoint and began shooting at the state police officers stationed there. The officers fought off the attack and called for backup as dozens of state cops and Mexican soldiers rushed to the scene. Initial information pointed to the officers killing four gunmen during the clash. The officers seized several weapons and body armor with the CDN-Zetas logo. Coahuila authorities later revealed that a total of eight gunmen died in the clash.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.7784596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4824

2 US Troops Killed, 2 Injured by Roadside Bomb in Afghanistan


KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Two U.S. service members were killed and two others injured when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan, the U.S. military said in a statement Saturday.


In keeping with defense department rules, the U.S. military did not identify the service members.


The Taliban immediately took responsibility for the attack. Qari Yusouf Ahmadi, a Taliban spokesman, said it occurred in the southern Kandahar province.


More than 2,400 U.S. service members have been killed in Afghanistan. Last year was one of the deadliest for the United States, with 23 American troops killed, even as Washington engaged in peace talks with the Taliban.


The latest attack seemed certain to stall fresh efforts to restart the on-again, off-again peace talks between Washington and the Taliban.


U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has been pressing the insurgents to declare a cease-fire or at least reduce violent attacks. That would give a window in which the U.S. and the Taliban could then forge an agreement to withdraw all of America's troops. That agreement would also set out a roadmap for direct Afghan-to-Afghan talks, mapping out the country's post-war future.


Earlier, both NATO and Afghan officials had confirmed a roadside bomb hit a U.S. army vehicle Saturday, without mentioning casualties. In a short statement, a NATO spokesman said that officials were still “assessing the situation and will provide more information as it became available.”


An Afghan official said the attack had taken place in the Dand district of Kandahar province. The official was not authorized to speak with media and requested anonymity.


The Taliban now control or hold sway over roughly half of Afghanistan. The militants continue to stage near-daily attacks targeting Afghan and U.S. forces, even as they hold peace talks with the U.S. Scores of Afghan civilians are also killed in the crossfire or by roadside bombs planted by militants.


In November, two U.S. service members were killed when their helicopter crashed in eastern Logar province. The U.S. military at the time said preliminary reports did not indicate it was caused by enemy fire, though the Taliban claimed to have shot down the helicopter — a claim the U.S military dismissed as false.


U.S. Ambassador John Bass left Kabul last week, ending his two-year tenure as America’s top diplomat.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.7784614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reclaiming the Narrative: How to Combat Israel’s Misuse of “Antisemitism”


While anti-Jewish racism is a real phenomenon that must be confronted, but “antisemitism, as defined by Israel, is a smokescreen with the ultimate aim of distracting from the real conversation: the crimes of military occupation, racism, and apartheid in Palestine.


At a talk I delivered in Northern England in March 2018, I proposed that the best response to falsified accusations of antisemitism, which are often lobbed against pro-Palestinian communities and intellectuals everywhere, is to draw even closer to the Palestinian narrative.


In fact, my proposal was not meant to be a sentimental response in any way.


“Reclaiming the Palestinian narrative” has been the main theme in most of my public speeches and writings in recent years. All of my books and much of my academic studies and research have largely focused on positioning the Palestinian people – their rights, history, culture, and political aspirations – at the very core of any genuine understanding of the Palestinian struggle against Israeli colonialism and apartheid.


True, there was nothing particularly special about my talk in Northern England. I had already delivered a version of that speech in other parts of the UK, Europe and elsewhere. But what made that event memorable is a conversation I had with a passionate activist, who introduced himself as an advisor to the office of the head of the British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn.


Although the activist agreed with me regarding the need to embrace the Palestinian narrative, he insisted that the best way for Corbyn to deflect anti-Semitic accusations, which have dogged his leadership since day one, is for Labor to issue a sweeping and decisive condemnation of antisemitism, so that Corbyn may silence his critics and he is finally able to focus on the pressing subject of Palestinian rights.


I was doubtful. I explained to the animated and self-assured activist that Zionist manipulation and misuse of antisemitism is a phenomenon that has preceded Corbyn by many decades, and will always be there as long as the Israeli government finds the need to distract from its war crimes against Palestinians and to crush pro-Palestinian solidarity worldwide.


I explained to him that while anti-Jewish racism is a real phenomenon that must be confronted, “antisemitism”, as defined by Israel and its Zionist allies, is not a moral question that is meant to be solved by a press release, no matter how strongly-worded. Rather, it is a smokescreen, with the ultimate aim of distracting from the real conversation, that being the crimes of military occupation, racism, and apartheid in Palestine.


In other words, no amount of talking, debating or defending oneself can possibly convince the Zionists that demanding an end to the Israeli military occupation in Palestine or the dismantling of the Israeli apartheid regime, or any genuine criticism of the policies of Israel’s right-wing government are not, in fact, acts of antisemitism.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.7784623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4761

Boy Scout Organization is a Magnet for Tens of Thousands of Pedophiles, Lawsuit Claims


Lawyers for eight plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington D.C. on Monday, demanding justice for victims of sexual abuse allegedly committed by leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The lawsuit states that the organization failed to protect children who were entrusted to their adult scoutmasters and leaders. The eight plaintiffs are identified as John Does 1 through 8.


The lawsuit states that the BSA was fully aware that their organization had attracted pedophiles into its leadership and did nothing to stop the abuse. Further, BSA refused to acknowledge the abuse was taking place despite maintaining secret files of leaders known or suspected of committing acts of sexual abuse.


Although the BSA submits annual reports to Congress, the lawsuit states that “never once in 103 years of reporting to Congress has BSA disclosed the fact that its programs were, and are, magnets to tens of thousands of pedophiles. Instead, BSA’s Reports to the Nation have miscast the organization as a bastion of moral authority.”


Courthouse News reports that the plaintiff’s lawyers are associated with the Washington firm Zuckerman Spaeder and Abused in Scouting, a nationwide legal team that is currently signing up hundreds of clients across the United States who allege they were sexually abused by scoutmasters. The team of lawyers state that the federal court in D.C. is the appropriate venue for the lawsuit because the Boy Scouts were originally incorporated there in 1910.


Additionally, in 2019 the District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, and California change their rules for statutes of limitations allowing lawsuits for claims of sexual abuses that may have occurred decades ago. The eight plaintiffs live in states—Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia—where the statutes of limitations prevent them from suing the Boy Scouts. The attorneys hope that choosing Washington D.C. as the venue will allow the alleged victims to seek justice.


“We’re intentionally trying to make this a venue for a national case against the Boy Scouts,” Aitan Goelman, one of the plaintiffs’ lawyers, told Courthouse News. “We’re doing it conscious of the fact that it’s unusual and we explain why we believe it’s legally sound.”


Although listed in the lawsuit as John Doe, one victim recently chose to speak on the record with the Associated Press. Dave Henson, now 39 years old, says he was abused by an assistant scout leader in Lake Dallas, Texas, starting in 1991 when he was only 11 years old. Henson says the abuse went on for five years and has left him enduring anxiety, shame, and depression. “The abuse occurs once you’re isolated from the rest of the group, and you stay in that isolation for years,” he said.


The Boy Scouts of America continue to face allegations of sexual abuse of children, and this latest lawsuit is only one of hundreds more expected to come. The Boy Scouts told the Associated Press they do not comment on pending litigation and reiterated that they “believe victims, support them, and will pay for counseling by a provider of their choice and we encourage them to come forward.”


Unfortunately, stories like this are rampant across the world. From teachers, principals, police officers, politicians, celebrities, and royalty, the world has a problem with pedophiles and sexual abusers. Hopefully the changing tide will bring some relief to the victims and justice to their abusers.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7784654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia’s arms exports total $14-15 bln per year, says Deputy PM Borisov


KRASNOYARSK, January 11. /TASS/. Long-term orders of Russian arms by other countries amount to $55 bln, whereas annual exports of local arms and military equipment stand at $14-15 bln, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said on Saturday.


"We have guaranteed long-term orders worth $55 bln, while annual sales amount to roughly $14-15 bln," he said.


The share of civil production in the structure of the Russian defense industry’s output went up from 20.9% in 2018 to 24.1% in 2019.


The share of civil production amounted to 34.1% in 2019 in aircraft construction, 14.6% in radio-electronic industry, and 19.1% in shipbuilding, Borisov said referring to the Industry and Trade Ministry’s figures.


"President has set a goal to bring the share of civil production in the structure of the defense industry to 30% by 2025 and to 50% by 2030," Deputy PM added.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.7784670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4674 >>4760 >>4855

The Six Tweets That Foretold (2 Yrs Ago) U.S. Attorney John Huber Would Tank the Investigation of the Clinton’s


There will be much negative Intel surfacing in the coming weeks regarding U.S. Attorney John Huber’s tanked probe of the Clinton Foundation.


How do we know this? Well, we will be reporting it. That’s how. DOJ sources are talking and it is very ugly.


Too bad folks did not see this coming. Whoops, wait, We did see this coming, as the Tweets below detail.


We dust off our crystal ball here at True Pundit:

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.7784675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4824

New US envoy to Russia looks forward to enhancing bilateral relations, says embassy


John Sullivan plans to arrive in Moscow on January 16


MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The newly appointed US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan, who is arriving in Moscow on January 16, looks forward to enhancing the relationship between the two countries and strengthening cooperation between Moscow and Washington, US Embassy in Russia said in a statement on Saturday.


"Ambassador Sullivan plans to arrive in Moscow on January 16 and present his credentials to the Russian government soon thereafter. Ambassador Sullivan looks forward to enhancing the overall bilateral relationship and strengthening US-Russian cooperation on several global and regional issues of mutual interest," the statement said


Sullivan will lead the US embassy in Moscow and its consulates in Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok "as they further US foreign policy goals, protect American citizens, and expand trade and business opportunities between the United States and Russia," the diplomatic mission noted.


Sullivan will succeed Jon Huntsman who tendered his resignation in early August 2019. Huntsman’s tenure expired on October 3. Two weeks later, US President Donald Trump nominated Sullivan who earlier served as Deputy Secretary of State, for confirmation by the Senate. On November 20, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations approved his candidacy.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.7784690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberman: Netanyahu would form coalition with Hamas if it meant immunity


Yisrael Beytenu head warns Knesset speaker against blocking formation of panel that debates PM’s immunity request, saying move would lead to ‘confrontation’


In a broadside against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Yisrael Beytenu party chairman Avigdor Liberman claimed on Saturday the Israeli leader would be willing to build a coalition with the Hamas terror group if it meant he could clinch parliamentary immunity from prosecution.


“The madness today is twofold,” the leader of the secular, right-wing party said during an onstage interview in the city of Netanya. “It is clear that Blue and White is [set on] building a coalition with the ultra-Orthodox and the Joint List, while Netanyahu wants immunity, even at the cost of a coalition with Hamas.”


Notably Blue and White has said, like Liberman, that it seeks a secularist, centrist government.


Democracy, in Jerusalem, on November 26, 2019. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)


In a broadside against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Yisrael Beytenu party chairman Avigdor Liberman claimed on Saturday the Israeli leader would be willing to build a coalition with the Hamas terror group if it meant he could clinch parliamentary immunity from prosecution.


“The madness today is twofold,” the leader of the secular, right-wing party said during an onstage interview in the city of Netanya. “It is clear that Blue and White is [set on] building a coalition with the ultra-Orthodox and the Joint List, while Netanyahu wants immunity, even at the cost of a coalition with Hamas.”


Notably Blue and White has said, like Liberman, that it seeks a secularist, centrist government.


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Commenting on the possibility that Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein will prevent the convening of a parliamentary committee tasked with voting on whether to grant lawmakers immunity, Liberman said, “If we are forced to enter a confrontation with him, so be it.”


Responding to recent attacks from Liberman regarding Netanyahu’s immunity efforts, Economy and Industry Minister Eli Cohen (Likud) said Saturday that a vote for Yisrael Beytenu in the upcoming national election, the country’s third in a year, was tantamount to a vote for a fourth consecutive vote.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.7784696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trey Gowdy: Democrats Have Devious Plan With Impeachment, Goal Is Not To Remove Trump (VIDEO)


Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Thursday that Democrats are not trying to remove President Donald Trump with impeachment, but instead are focused on kneecapping his second term by flipping the Senate so he can’t get anything done.


“Let’s skip over the process,” Gowdy said. “The process, the three month long inquiry investigation was laughable. But they voted. That’s the House’s prerogative. They voted, not a single Republican went along with them. In fact, they didn’t even keep all the Democrats. But the House exercised its prerogative and they impeached the president.”


“There is no mathematical way he is ever going to be convicted and they know that,” Gowdy continued. “So their goal cannot be to remove Donald Trump from office, it is to neuter his second term. I think he is going to win in November. It’s to neuter that second term by targeting the Cory Gardners and the Martha McSallys and the Thom Tillises and the Susan Collins and Joni Ernst because if Trump wins and doesn’t have the Senate then he is not going to get any judicial vacancies filled and he’s not going to replace a Supreme Court Justice if he or she retires.”

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.7784735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schumer-Tied PAC Received $1.7 Million From Dark Money Group


A political action committee linked to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) has received $1.7 million from a liberal dark money group for shared staff and office space since 2015, tax and Federal Election Commission forms show.


Schumer, who has said that dark money is "casting a shadow over our political process," has condemned groups on the right that do not disclose their funders. He also demanded one right-leaning organization release a list of its donors, saying the public "deserves to know who is funding" campaigns against Democrats.


Despite the condemnation of dark money groups, the Schumer-linked Senate Majority PAC, which works to elect Democrats in the Senate, is closely affiliated with Majority Forward, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that does not disclose its funders.


From June 18, 2015, to late 2018, Majority Forward paid the Senate Majority PAC for the "sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets" and employees. The group pushed $487,870 to the PAC for office space while disbursing another $1.2 million for employees, three years‘ worth of tax forms and FEC records show.


Majority Forward was the biggest dark money spender of the 2018 election cycle and is currently launching attacks against Republican Senate candidates up for election in 2020.


Throughout the 2018 election cycle, Majority Forward poured $46 million into independent expenditures for Democrats, which accounted for nearly a third of the $150 million total spent by all groups who do not disclose their donors.


Majority Forward has laid out plans to attack Sens. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.), Susan Collins (R., Maine), David Perdue (R., Ga.), Martha McSally (R., Ariz.), and Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) for the 2020 election cycle. It began pouring hundreds of thousands into ads against the vulnerable Republicans in early 2019, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The group on Tuesday launched a six-figure television and digital ad campaign against Collins.


The Senate Majority PAC did not respond to a request for comment on the money it has received from Majority Forward since 2015 for its shared staff and office space.

Anonymous ID: 4c7274 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.7784871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


CHABAD Rabbi says Trump has 4 tasks, that "are his Job"


Start at 14:45


  1. Assist the Jewish people to get Israel back, Jerusalem, Golan, Jordan Valley…..


  1. Protect the Jewish people from Anti-Semites,


  1. Raise America back to Morale law, NOAHIDE LAWS.


  1. Make Israel Great Again, not America.