Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.7784924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4940 >>5239 >>5436 >>5637

The War in Afghanistan Is a Fraud (and Now We Have Proof)


The Establishment has stopped talking about the Afghanistan Papers, but Lee Camp’s searing humor isn’t letting go.


Bombs have numbers. Humans have names. Our American military boasts a skill and passion for using numbers to turn names into yet more numbers. But these numbers have grown so gargantuan and out of control that one struggles to comprehend them.


In just 10 months in 2018 — the latest numbers made available — our military dropped 5,982 munitions on Afghanistan, turning many thinking, living and loving names into cold, lifeless numbers. Over the span of the war, 43,000 Afghan civilians have been numberized. We, as Americans, essentially never even notice when it happens. Statistically speaking, it will happen again many times today, and no one in America will really care. (At least not while the game is on.)


Sixty four thousand Afghan security forces have been numberized since 2001.


Our government has known for years that the war in Afghanistan is a jaw-dropping disaster on the level of “Cats,” the movie. How do we know they knew? The Washington Post actually published some impressive reporting recently, taking a step back from its lust for pro-war propaganda. (The last time it achieved such a feat was during the O.J. Simpson trial. The first one. The one with the glove.) WaPo unearthed a trove of thousands of internal government documents that expose the catastrophic war. And it turns out there are Tinder dates between a young neo-Nazi and an old Jewish lady that have gone better than this war.


“[The document trove] reveals that senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable,” the paper reported.


Let me translate The Washington Post’s fancy-pants language: U.S. officials didn’t “fail to tell the truth;” they fucking lied. The phrase “failed to tell the truth” oozes around the brain’s neural pathways, strategically dodging the anger receptors. “Failed to tell the truth” sounds like veracity is a slippery fish U.S. officials just couldn’t catch.


Four hundred and twenty four humanitarian aid workers have been numberized.


Let’s take a moment to consider the motivations and goals of the war in Afghanistan. The U.S. ostensibly invaded the country to stop al-Qaida from attacking us in any way, namely by flying large planes into our buildings. We achieved this goal within the first couple months. With al-Qaida essentially decimated, it seems logical that we should have left the country, reserving the right to return if any other big passenger airplanes came after us.


Rumsfeld says major combat activity in Afghanistan has ended



Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.7784940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4959 >>5190 >>5239 >>5436 >>5637



From The Washington Post’s report, again: “One executive at USAID guessed that 90 percent of what they spent was overkill: ‘We lost objectivity. We were given money, told to spend it and we did, without reason.’ … One contractor said he was expected to dole out $3 million daily for projects in a single Afghan district roughly the size of a US county.”


The contractor said he couldn’t conceive of how to spend $3 million a day for people literally living in mud huts. Well, I guess USAID should start handing out furniture built out of blocks of shrink-wrapped hundred-dollar notes. Maybe fill bean bag chairs with small bills. (If you aren’t yet outraged enough, please keep in mind that, according to The New York Times, adjusting for today’s dollars, it would take less than eight days of the Pentagon’s stated budget to give the entire world clean water for a year, thereby saving millions of lives and turning the U.S. into the most beloved nation on earth.)


But rather than accept our own corruption and war profiteering, our military placed the blame squarely on the Afghan people. Per The Washington Post, “The U.S. military also accused Afghan commanders of pocketing salaries — paid by U.S. taxpayers — for tens of thousands of ‘ghost soldiers.’ ”


Although ghost soldiers sound like an incredible and tough-to-defeat resource, I think they meant the Afghan commanders claimed they had a certain number of soldiers, but most weren’t real. So America can’t fund the health care of our own goddamn real soldiers who get home and wait in line for months to secure any semblance of care, but we can fund ghost soldiers half a world away?!


President Donald Trump just cut food stamps to 700,000 people, impacting more than a million children, but we’re funding fucking ghosts? Maybe we could start a campaign asking the ghost soldiers to donate some of their supper to the starving kids of America.



Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.7784962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No Shots Fired! Man Attacks Maga Hat Owner, Reconsiders Life Choices When Confronted With a Gun


As I have pointed out many times…

No Shots Fired – The Missing Statistic in Defensive Gun Use

No Shots Fired! Citizen with a Gun Ends Gunman’s Attack at Oklahoma Walmart

No Shots Fired! Shotgun Beats Axe, Every Time


The utility of a gun extends beyond the ability to shoot someone with it. Unlike the fear-mongering media, crazy leftists and corrupt Democrats would have you believe, a gun is useful, by just having one available. No Shots Fired.

Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.7784989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whistleblower Provides Attkisson New Details to Name Rod Rosenstein and Shawn Henry (Crowdstrike) as Defendants in Lawsuit…


A very interesting development in the ongoing effort of former CBS investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, to resolve the issue of who spied on her, planted spyware and infiltrated her computer systems for illegal surveillance. [Attkisson website here]


According to a recent court filing [Source Here] a person who was engaged in the “wrongful activity” has come forward to provide Ms. Attkisson with details about the operation. As a result of those whistle-blower revelations Attkisson is able to name specific individuals who were running the operation:


Much more:

Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.7785020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5029

Who Are the Winners From America’s Destruction of Iraq and War Against Iran?


Americans are unfortunately severely reluctant to disbelieve the lies that normally spew forth from the U.S. Government about foreign countries and especially about foreign countries that it invades or wants to invade. Consider, for examples, the lies that were told against Iraq when Saddam Hussein ruled it, or about Libya when Muammar Gaddafi ruled it, or about Iran right now. But Americans widely believe their Government’s lies, nonetheless. They are deceived, above all, about whom the U.S. military is fighting for. It’s not fighting for the American people’s benefit. (In World War II, it was, but that was the last time in American history when it was.) And that Government-lie, about “Who benefits?”, is the basis of all the others.


On the morning of January 6th, the Republican Party ‘News’-site Fox News Channel, headlined near the top of their homepage an opinion article, “Democrats still delusional about Trump even after Qassem Soleimani death”, and interviewed there an American soldier in the war against Iraq, who hates Iran’s Government. He compared Qasem Soleimani to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the founder of ISIS, (he said “Soleimani was really Zarqawi in uniform,” at 3:44 in the article’s accompanying video of the interview) but actually Soleimani was the world’s most effective general fighting against ISIS, and he led the elimination of ISIS from Iraq. (That American article linked-to says “Soleimani and his commanders were on the front lines in Iraq and his name became synonymous with victories attributed to Iraqi ground forces. He had presented himself as the face of the offensive in Tikrit, a city which fell under ISIS control in 2014 [HE WAS FIGHTING AND BEATING ISIS THERE].” So, the U.S. soldier speaking on Fox was profoundly misinformed about Soleimani, and about Iran (which has always been staunchly against ISIS). However, notwithstanding the deceit in Fox’s presenting this Republican propaganda for a Republican President, the most “Liked” reader-comment to that article was “A vote for a democrat is a vote for an enemy of America. I am proud to be an American citizen with Donald Trump as our President, and I certainly will never vote for a democrat again.” The facts didn’t matter to these viewers, the internal-U.S. political partisanship, the political Parties, blinded almost every one of the reader-comments there. Those commenters didn’t think, at all, about the U.S. Government’s lies that had persuaded the American public to boost their approval of George W. Bush from 57% immediately before his 2003 invasion of Iraq to 71% immediately after his lie-basedinternational war-crime in invading that country, and everyone who clicked “Like” on that January 6th reader-comment supporting Trump’s January 3rd aggression against both Iraq and Iran, had obviously learned nothing from that historical example from 2003, in which the opponents of the U.S. Government’s Iraq invasion (including mainly Democrats at that time, since Bush was a Republican President) were the actual American patriots (other than the Democrats who were against the invasion merely on account of its being done by a Republican President).


So: how do we know who actually benefitted from that particular international war-crime — the invasion and military occupation of Iraq?



Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.7785029   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump would announce that he is herewith cancelling sanctions against Iran and restoring U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which in 2015 was signed by China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and then the entire European Union. Iran would then announce that it is willing to discuss with all of the signatories to that agreement, if a majority of them wish to do so, international negotiations regarding possible changes (amendments) to be made to that agreement. The United States would then offer, separately, and on a strictly bi-lateral U.S.-Iran basis, to negotiate with Iran a settlement to all outstanding issues between the two nations, so that they may proceed forward with normal diplomatic relations, on a peaceful instead of mutually hostile, foundation.


Trump also would announce that he is seeking negotiations with Iraq about a total withdrawal from Iraq and closure of the U.S. Embassy there, to be replaced by a far smaller U.S. Embassy.


Trump would initiate this as a package-deal confidentially offered by him to Khamenei — all steps of it — in advance of any carrying-out of the planned steps, and initiated by him soon enough to ward off any retaliatory action by Iran, so as to avoid further escalation of the hostilities, which otherwise would likely escalate to a widespread and possibly global war. In other words, this direct communication between the two should already have been sought by Trump. (If the Reuters article is true, this should have been planned by him at the very moment he started seeking an opportunity to assassinate Soleimani. Obviously, Trump did no such planning. Aggression was/is his only objective.)


I did not expect Trump to do any of that, not even the first step, and not even the offer to Khamenei; and Iran is in no position to make the first step, in any case (since the U.S. had started the mutual hostilities between the two nations in 1953). However (assuming the truthfulness of the Reuters article), if Trump had, at least made the offer, and then done the first step (ending sanctions), then I think that he would easily win re-election, regardless of whom the Democratic nominee will be. If he could re-establish friendly relations with Iran, then that would be a diplomatic achievement of historic proportions, the best and most important in decades. No one would then be able to deny it. He would, in fact, then deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize (which Obama never deserved to win, though he did win it). But I din’t expect any of that to happen, because it would be exactly contrary to the way that any recent U.S. President has behaved, and because many in power in the United States would be furious against him if he did do it.


Furthermore, the Reuters report might be a lie, like so many other U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-reports are.



Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.7785045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video Showing Alleged Launch Of Surface-To-Air Missile During Boeing Incident In Iran Appears Online


The video allegedly showing the moment of a sufrace-to-air missile launch during the January 8 incident with the Boeing crash in Iran has appeared online. The video supposedly shows a separate launch of the missile at the the Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737-800 (Flight PS752) near Tehran. The plane crashed minutes after taking off from the Imam Khomeini airport.

Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.7785059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Google Quietly Amassed A Real-Estate Empire In Manhattan


After dramatically dropping plans to move part of the company's HQ2 to the Queens' neighborhood of Long Island City, Amazon was recently exposed for expanding its headcount in Manhattan by leasing more office space in Hudson Yards - without any financial incentives from the city or state that prompted leftists like AOC to scuttle a deal that would have brought some 25,000 jobs to her district and the surrounding area.


Weeks later, WSJ revealed that, on top of the $3 billion in tax incentive and grants initially offered by NYC and New York State to Amazon, they also offered the e-commerce giant another $800 million in incentives, helping to reignite leftists' rage.


Amazon's tech-behemoth rivals were eerily quiet during Amazon's battle with a coterie of progressive New York lawmakers who eventually triumphed by driving Amazon to scrap its plans to significantly expand its operations in the city. And in a report published Friday, Bloomberg offers some clues as to why.


While Amazon engaged in an extremely public hunt for the location of its HQ2 in a transparent attempt to extract the best deal possible from whatever municipality would eventually play host to its offices and workers, Google parent Alphabet has been quietly expanding its presence in Manhattan, amassing what some experts have described as a mini-real estate empire centered around its campus at Chelsea Market.

Anonymous ID: b882c3 Jan. 11, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.7785065   🗄️.is 🔗kun



CHABAD Rabbi says Trump has 4 tasks, that "are his Job"


Start at 14:45


  1. Assist the Jewish people to get Israel back, Jerusalem, Golan, Jordan Valley…..


  1. Protect the Jewish people from Anti-Semites,


  1. Raise America back to Morale law, NOAHIDE LAWS.


  1. Make Israel Great Again, not America.