Anonymous ID: 11b8ca Jan. 11, 2020, 4:10 p.m. No.7786925   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Resident Evil, Raccoon City


Location: United States

Current status: Destroyed

Notable events: Raccoon City Destruction Incident


The city thrived decades ago likely as a result of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals moving into the area, and aided by Umbrella's continued investment in the city.

The Raccoon Tragedy was a catastrophic epidemic which destroyed much of Raccoon City - the nexus of several accidental and deliberate outbreaks of multiple t-Virus strains.

The destruction of Raccoon City had global ramifications. No longer committed to their illegal investiture in bio-weapons from Umbrella, the U.S. government turned on the corporation and banned Umbrella USA from conducting business, before liquidating it. Umbrella was also faced with payment of compensation to victims' families.


Umbrella Corp had influence in pharmaceutical; chemical and consumer cosmetics production and selling; industrial machine production, consumer products; health foods; the transport industry and tourism. Umbrella's large array of subsidiaries was typical for large-scale corporations, though it was purpose-built to cover-up illegal activities.

Umbrella's true goal was secretly eugenics. This fact was only known to corporate executives, whose principle objective was to birth a new race of virally-enhanced and well-educated superhumans, with Umbrella's founders ruling through them as gods.