>cool colors and stuff man
>Alexandre Trudeau
>Alexandre Trudeau
Also listed in Alexandre Trudeau's documentary "The New Great Game" as "producers in association," but not acknowledged by the CBC, was Iran's state-funded propaganda arm Press-TV, along with the reviled anti-Israel broadcaster Al-Jazeera Arabic, and the Media Education Foundation (producer of the anti-Israel film "Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land" found by CBC Radio-Canada's ombudsman to be propaganda that never should have aired). CBC appearing alongside Iran's hateful mouthpiece is damning enough. Did any of these producers provide financial, facilitation, or material support to this film that the CBC aired on national airwaves? Either way, CBC didn't disclose this matter to its viewing audience.
>Alexandre Trudeau
Alphabet's chief legal officer to step down WITHOUT an exit package amid investigation into his 'relationships with several women at the company, including one who said he fathered a child with her and then neglected them'