Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.7789625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9689 >>9864 >>9894 >>9955 >>0092 >>0145 >>0203 >>0232

Jim Watkins

Social Credit Scoring

WEB.COM was controlled by Okumus who also have big investment in LifeLock

Then Okumus sold WEB.COM shares to Siris Capital Group

Siris Soros I O … Just coincidence, right?

But Jim also mentioned PayPal and payment processing…


Just partners?


Oh dear!


How many partnership deals are there on PAYMENTS and ID SECURITY?

What data is shared?

Who gets it all?

Who is in control?

This is becoming a tangled web.


Ebay owns Paypal, so who owns Ebay?


Pierre Omidyar founded eBay in 1995 and is company's largest shareholder with 45,398,858 shares


But wait…


While company insiders may hold a lot of eBay shares, most are held by institutional investors. The following are the largest such shareholders as of October 22, 2019:


Benchmark Capital Management Co. LLC 69,502,032 (8.29%)

The Vanguard Group, Inc. 61,888,201 (7.38%)

Icahn Associates Holding LLC 46,271,370 (5.52%)

SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 37,481,148 (4.47%)

The Baupost Group LLC 24,146,000 (2.88%)


And there we are again. Funds control more than Pierre, in fact the top 3 funds all have more shares than Pierre.


And Vanguard is an interesting fund because even ordinary investment people are asking, who owns Vanguard?


My head is spinning… Remember the Network of Global Control? Vanguard came up in that 2007 study here:


The authors of this study also assigned each player in this system a degree of influence. And overall, they found that the 737 top shareholders have the potential to control 80% of all the transnational corporations’ value. These top shareholders are mostly financial institutions in the US and UK. The first 10 on the list:


  1. Barclays plc

  2. Capital Group Companies Inc.

  3. FMR Corporation

  4. AXA

  5. State Street Corporation

  6. JP Morgan Chase & Co.

  7. Legal & General Group plc

8. Vanguard Group Inc.

  1. UBS AG

  2. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc.


Any changes in 2019?

Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.7789689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9719 >>9725 >>9728 >>9746 >>9864 >>9894 >>9928 >>0169 >>0203 >>0232



Vanguard Group US $2,080 trillion Rothschild major shareholder)


“VanGuard Corporation” Controls Global Megabanks, Major Mass Media and Mega Corporations in the World and their Owners



The Vanguard Corporation Source of Secret Power


Russian research on the Vanguard corporation, the secret power controller of the much of the Western corporate power structure.The four companies that are present in all cases below and in all decisions: Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street. All of them “belong together”, but if to check out carefully the balance of shares, it turns out that in reality all these companies controlled by Vanguard.


Note: he did say to check carefully because it is a tangled web. Of course all numbers fluctuate over time. Shifting sands…



Who owns the world? Tracing half the corporate giants’ shares to 30 owners


When people say share ownership is highly diversified, they think most large public corporations have lots of shareholders – and often the largest shareholder has less than 15%, sometimes less than 5%, of the total shareholdings.


But looking at it this way obscures the concentration that is taking place. The same organisations – usually finance capital, rarely families or individuals – own these public companies. We (David and Georgina) first researched this in 2009, and we’ve since found that the trend is of increasing concentration in several countries over three decades.


When one organisation alone controls more than 6% of shares in very large global corporations, and 30 control more than half of all shares in these corporations, that signifies very high concentration.


BlackRock was the largest share controller not only internationally but also among Canadian, German, Italian and American very large corporations.


Isn't the black cube in Mecca made of rock?


BlackRock granted direct access to China's financial markets

Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 10:20 p.m. No.7789864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9897 >>0232





This is a lot of info to take in by reading scattered websites. And believe me there are hundreds. If you are an Autist, or a financial auditor then I have given you enough leads for your own digging. For the rest of us, here is a video, only 30 minutes long, that is the latest in a series about the Network of Global Control


We are used to polished TV presenters, impeccable performers, not just on TV but also people like Dan Bongino, for instance. So I have to say, when I see how Karen Hudes looks and behaves, she seems more like an Autist, someone who actually knows this stuff. If you get something from this one, then there are many more on her channel.


And yes, be warned, this is about Spirituality, Empathy and the US Military.


If you watched the movie The Accountant I hope you noticed the Autist who appears at the end, and turns out to be the Anonymous voice who guides the accountant who is the hero of the film. But she needs a computer voice to communicate with normal people. Just like Anonymous in the movie V.


Is there only one General Flynn figure? Or more?


Is This Any Way for a Nuclear-Armed U.S. Air Force General to Behave?


The USA is interregnum – it's Constitution has been suspended.

Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.7789897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9943



Remember this 16 year plan to destroy America?

See that the FIRST thing in Hillary's reign was to start WWIII


I wonder who made that and where it came from

That should be worth a dig, because it is extremely suspicious

That senior NUCLEAR officers were being removed.

That is not coincidence

That is a symptom of ongoing infiltration and positioning your pieces

For an important attack.

Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 10:44 p.m. No.7789953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9960 >>9969



Sometimes it pays to check Wikipedia first. In this case it gets right to the point!



Weakness: a potential backdoor

Weaknesses in the cryptographic security of the algorithm were known and publicly criticised well before the algorithm became part of a formal standard endorsed by the ANSI, ISO, and formerly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). One of the weaknesses publicly identified was the potential of the algorithm to harbour a kleptographic backdoor advantageous to those who know about it—the United States government's National Security Agency (NSA)—and no-one else. In 2013, The New York Times reported that documents in their possession but never released to the public "appear to confirm" that the backdoor was real, and had been deliberately inserted by the NSA as part of its Bullrun decryption program. In December 2013, a Reuters news article alleged that in 2004, before NIST standardized Dual_EC_DRBG, NSA paid RSA Security $10 million in a secret deal to use Dual_EC_DRBG as the default in the RSA BSAFE cryptography library, which resulted in RSA Security becoming the most important distributor of the insecure algorithm.[2] RSA responded that they "categorically deny" that they had ever knowingly colluded with the NSA to adopt an algorithm that was known to be flawed, saying "we have never kept [our] relationship [with the NSA] a secret".[3]


Crypto algorithms used prime numbers assuming they were pretty random. But now we see that they are found in a predictable way in the number space, so knowing that a crypto algorithm is based on primes, makes it much, much easier to crack, if you have this secret knowledge.


Now go back to that Software implementation of Quantum Entanglement called the Bitcoin blockchain, and think what it means when certain people are able to track back EVERY transaction and see who is sending money to who. The whole thing was a scam, originally for blackhats to find other crooks who were competing with them and not paying a vigorish to The Family. But now Patriots Are In Control.



Anonymous ID: 0e7d3b Jan. 11, 2020, 11:13 p.m. No.7790065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0103 >>0169 >>0203 >>0222 >>0232



VeriSign sells Network Solutions registrar business


By Scarlet Pruitt

IDG News Service | OCT 16, 2003 12:00 AM PST


So Verisign used to own Network Solutions? Who are they cozy with?


PayPal acquired the VeriSign payment solution in 2005 to expand its e-commerce business and provide added security support.[33][34] In 2007, PayPal announced a partnership with MasterCard that led to the development and launch of the PayPal Secure Card service, a software that allows customers to make payments on websites that do not accept PayPal directly by generating a unique, single-use MasterCard number for each checkout.[35] By the end of 2007, the company generated $1.8 billion in revenue.[36]


And there is MasterCard too


And also, Ebay owns Paypal.

You can get an Ebay Mastercard

You can get a Paypal Mastercard.


Well, well, well….

5 Things You Didn't Know About Mastercard Inc


In 1992, Mastercard and Eurocard launched a joint venture, Maestro International. In 2002, Mastercard and Eurocard merged under the Mastercard umbrella. Mastercard acquired Access in 1996.


The company that made this ad calls it the Umbrella Campaign



Look at the third column that begins with the words

A merger would place Cirrus…

… under Mastercard's umbrella.



Prepaid cards, usually under the Mastercard umbrella and allied to a UK bank or building society, are another way to reduce these charges.


Is Mastercard connected to the Umbrella Bank?