Anonymous ID: 25e79e Jan. 11, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.7789739   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Must realize that once you realize that you are lucid that you are fully in control from that moment on. You just happened to awake during a subconscious projection. Once you realize that you are in a ‘dreamscape’ of your own making you can do one of two things: 1) you can continue playing in any ‘dream’ of your own making which can seem more real than when you are physically awake, or 2) you can opt for the truly transcendental and repeat to yourself with a focused intent “I am awake in a silly dreamscape (because we all bring mental baggage into our sleep that these are only dreams) and I don’t care for these video game-like experiences. What I DO WANT is to be ONE with MY HIGHER SELF!” BOOM! Whatever dreamscape you were in collapses instantly like a cheap Hollywood movie set and you find yourself rocketing through space with activities going on in your peripheral vision, e.g. civilizations, other worlds and realms, as you speed towards a brightly colored opening way ahead in the darkness.


What lucid dreamers are beginning to realize is that LDs can act as an instant portal to Astral Projection or Out of Body Experiences. You just have to ‘get’ that you just became conscious while in a dream. Again, once you mentally accept that it is all very realistic fakery, you can step through the portal where all the really enlightening stuff happens, where you can meet other sentient beings from other worlds or, believe it or not, you can meet up with loved ones who have just passed through into another dimension. And these dimensions you can reach by exercising a focused intent.


Or you can just be the stupid psychic spy you are paid to be and do that ‘Inception’ thing with remote viewing, etc. But the reason that Stargate never really did much for the MIC and counterparts is because anyone who has the ability to roam the Astral and beyond, just doesn’t care about that piddling little ego-filled waste of time. This is why Ingo Swan (the ‘greatest remote viewer’ who saw the rings around Jupiter before the space probes did) dropped out and became part of the universal consciousness movement. We are all part of the multiverse, and the entire multiverse is within each and every one of us.


The best news is that Evil is on the run and fading fast in the multiverse. So don’t go believing that whole ying and yang balancing act crap and most of all don’t take my word for any of this. Just try and keep an open yet skeptical mind, frens.