Anonymous ID: 3b1d4e Jan. 11, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.7789650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9654

…Great catastrophe [those with the knowledge] have tech predating ancient 'discoveries' hide this from the populace, then claim divinity through 'bloodline' > the celestial allegory is inverted and terrestrialized, [they] perpetuate these misinterpretation of the archaic pre-disaster sky events through 'religion' > centuries (millennium) of intentional deception to remain in control of [their] 'divine' claim to rule over the ignorant masses (no matter the means) > [they], being aware of human genetic memory & the effects (of the last global catastrophe) , play upon this with some sort of 'doomsday' anxiety event every generation (as a reinforcement?).