Nice projection irgc nigger.
LG on the head iran shill, he’s a religious nazi. Iranian Anons, rise up and take your country back.
>are you terrified of the growing MILLIONS of Americans who KNOW?
Oh, millions do know. They know all about omar, talib, brennan, hussein, pete, vj, ha, lp, etc. You’re not getting the ottoman empire back, I assure you. islamanazis are fucked. Sleep tight faggot, you never know what the new day may bring.
>>7789706 Want to quote Q? Read the real deal:
What is JB's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is Hussein's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is VJ's background?
Muslim by faith?📁
Why was the Hussein admin breaking down admin by faith?
Why was the PUBLIC sheltered re: ISIS for so long?
Why was AL-Q deemed the primary adversary vs ISIS?
Do you believe US intel did not 'know' UBL's son was a prominent figure in AL-Q?
If known, no 'live' intel or geo-t to target?
Define C_A regional assets.
Operation Cyclone>Mujahideen/Afghanistan
>>Aiding anti-Soviet resistance
>>Withdrawal of Soviet troops
Control of $800mm+?
Control of weapons?
Control of training?
>>Afghan Arabs>>Haqqani + Hekmatyar
>>UBL [CRITICAL] Allies?
Haqqani + Hekmatyar relations w/ C_A (in_country)?
Dark to LIGHT.
You’re glowing turbo nigger.
FFS. As I previously told you, projection. You’ve been glowing about “Americans” and then post that shit. Fuck son, the most ignorant citizen of this Country wouldn’t post that shit. Go join the protests and repent. You’re a slave. Free yourself.
>Remember this the next time you call me "iranian"
Do you prefer labour party shill? How about code pink faggot, dsa soyboy? Islamanazi? Communist? Democrat Party? You’re nothing but a leftist cuck who knows they’ve lost. Desperation glow more.
Flustered? Not hardly. Drinking a cold beer laughing at your desperate ass incorrectly use words from from whatever online dictionary you’re using.
Answer this, do you support President Donald J. Trump and what he is doing for this Country? Just curious.
How new are you? Might want to look into that term and how it’s been used related to this board.
Have a glow post shills.
=Shills are in Panic Mode due to Iran==
Good night true anons. Wear the Armor of God.