Anonymous ID: 55ec87 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.7789579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9588 >>9601 >>9704 >>9754 >>9894 >>9910 >>9928 >>9955 >>0090 >>0127 >>0169 >>0199 >>0203 >>0232

Anons are digging in the wrong direction.


It's not Visa.


It's Mastercard that attacked Jim.


They own These are BIG and ESTABLISHED internet companies that go back to the very start of civvie internet, so the threat to other websites is obvious. These guys used to have DoD contracts. That's how established and entrenched they are. If they don't like someone saying something on their own website, they go to the hosting company/registrar/etc and say, "Hey, we see you're hosting Anon here at We don't like Anon because he's a sexist/racist/bigot, so unless you're able to enforce some kind of community standard, we won't be able to provide technical or financial services to you any longer."


See the threat now?


MASTERCARD is the big UMBRELLA CORPORATION Jim mentioned in his video. This is where Anons should be looking.

Anonymous ID: 55ec87 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.7789704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9754 >>9894 >>9910 >>9955 >>0020 >>0090 >>0127 >>0203 >>0232




>flip it anon

>it is that cut Watkins, they are the social credit masters

>social credit score not to be confused with financial because they will take your money no matter your "social" rating


You're basically correct. 8kun was missed because it's well outside their reach, and not hosted/listed on any of their networks.


It goes:


Mastercard/First Data/ Solutions/


There are lots of corporate shells involved.


Here's the email he got:


>Dear Jim Watkins,


>Network Solutions is committed to maintaining the highest possible security for all our customers. As part of our ongoing monitoring, we have been aware of the content on your website that is not in compliance with our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) (


>As such, we consider your continued use of our services a serious issue and risk to our business and corporate reputation, and we are formally requesting that you seek a new registrar for your domain names listed on the attached spreadsheet as well as any other related products as we are no longer able to provide services to you.


>We have prepared your domains for transfer, including providing you with authorization codes to allow you to transfer the domains to another Registrar of your choice. We will allow you (10) ten business days from this date of January 9th, 2020 to seek, initiate and complete the transfer of your domain name(s) to your new registrar. It is important that all actions be completed by January 23rd, 2020 or the domains and associated services will be deleted. Any services still existing within our system will be deleted and will be unrecoverable. If the domain names have not been transferred by this date of January 23rd, 2020, we will be forced to delete your registration(s) and associated services.


>We continue to reserve all rights with respect to the above and thank you for your expedient compliance with this request.


>Best regards,

(Name of the corporate peon redacted)

>Abuse Specialist


>5335 Gate Parkway | Jacksonville, FL 32256

>Office: 404-260-2594 FAX: 571-434-4634


Visa/Paypal is a slide/confusion shill. Total distraction, literally not involved at all.


More to come in next post.

Anonymous ID: 55ec87 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.7789754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9823 >>9910 >>9928 >>0127 >>0169 >>0203 >>0232




Now for the really scary element in all this. I felt bad for Jim when he told me this. This kind of thing would scare the crap out of most on the receiving end, but Jim may have just gotten very, very lucky.


Bad elements in the FBI may be involved in trying to entrap Jim Watkins.




Because he was supposed to be completely deplatformed, all at once. And "just coincidentally," he got FOUR FBI requests re: NZ at the exact same time he was supposed to be deplatformed.


Just a coincidence, right?


You and I both know better by now.


He would have missed those requests, but he got them because he was given a grace period to move all his domains/hosting. Again, see the email in >>7789704.


The grace period/hosting may have been a mistake on the corporate end of things.


In other words - rogue elements in the FBI may be trying to weaponize "requests" against Jim, sending them at a time when he couldn't physically receive them, in order to force them to "escalate" and - who knows? Knock down his door? Confront him? Worse?


This is scumbag level deep state filth. And that's partially why I'm publishing this NOW.


Anons, we have to protect the Watkins in all this - and that means EXPOSING this "Umbrella Corp" for all their evil. It's the least we can do. The Watkins take a LOT of flack to protect free speech, and us. Disregard the ongoing faggot psyops against them that have been happening here and now these past few days.