Anonymous ID: 6411bd Jan. 11, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.7789573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wew, lost connection for a while...

>>7789137 pb

Farsi is a VERY flowery and poetic language and tbh I don't trust online translators. But I do want them all to know so many people's hearts are with them. I will just have to settle for English!


>>7789169 pb

That is an interesting way to put it but that shows how poetic their language is and how things don't translate directly. Not sure if you were here the other night with the Canadian who was writing in French and the "petit chou-tete" (little cabbage head as a term of endearment for a baby). Online translators are no substitute for human beans.



Anonymous ID: 6411bd Jan. 11, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.7789624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9628 >>9634 >>9637 >>9670 >>9894 >>0169 >>0284


Anons self-organize. No leader (other than POTUS via Q), no hierarchy, no names, no org chart, no meetings, no quotas. Anonymity allows millions worldwide to contribute and disappear, lurk, query or prompt. No recognition, no glory, no fame, no remuneration - only contribution.



This is the team they hoped would never form.


Transcending race, sex, religion, socio-economic bracket, geography, political parties, and nationality, united by one letter and by the burning desire to be free of the madness imposed on the world.





Anonymous ID: 6411bd Jan. 11, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.7789683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749

I have to say that I find it hilarious that there are actually people here who believe IRGC are posting here, that somehow BO is also IRGC and somehow JimW & Ron are, too, or at least in the thrall of the IRGC somehow.

These dumb motherfuckers either actually believe that or an even dumber motherfucker decided that was the line that should be pushed here at this time. Can you imagine someone in a meeting saying, "Yeah ok well nothing else worked so we're just going to accuse the Watsons and BO of being Iranian. That should work." Because it's either those two options or mysteriously a bunch of trolls just spontaneously decided that would be a good approach for the week.


What a timeline!

Anonymous ID: 6411bd Jan. 11, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.7789703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9822


Seems like a logical conclusion to me, based on the available information at this time.



She might be able to put it on - and send you the link. Pretty big file limit there, free and no one else will know the link unless it's shared with them.