Anonymous ID: 79c6f1 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.7789612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9928 >>0169 >>0203 >>0232

24,543 Sealed Federal Indictments in the U.S.,. nationwide. Obama Admininistration, en toto, Proven to have tried to influence the outcome of a U.S. National Election with collateral felonious mishandling of Classified Materials, materiel and personnel. Alongside Uranium1, the Iran Deal, continuing suspicion as to the Actual Birthplace of one Barry Sœtœro, Clinton Foundation R.I.C.O. Statute Violations, the Awan Family Information Technologies SCANDAL. Imran Awan gained access to one congressional server account {RE:DebbieWassermanSchultz} and after this… breach in all honesty, gained employ with nearly every other member of the United States House of Representatives Democratic National Commitee. I can only surmise an opportunistic, if not preplanned, operation. As more access was gained, more levels of corruption were logged by the Awan Network. As more leverage was gained over Democratic House Members, greater levels of corruption were revealed. Up to and Including, yet Not Limited to:

1_Theft and Misshandling of Federal Tax Payer Funds.

2_Play For Play R.I.C.O. Violations.

3_Federal Election Commision Violations/Tampering. 4_Felony Kiddnapping and Transmission of Minors [across State Lines And ExCONUS] with the Express Intent of/to [or delivery of/for]:4_a. Felony Torture;

4_b. Felony Sexual Abuse;

4_c. Felony Sexual Torture;

4_d. Felony Sexual Torture, Murder and Partial Physical Consumption of Evidence.

These Are All Facts. Right Now. In the United States Federal Goverment, Justice Is Being Brought. Soon, the Fact of These Things will be unavoidable, Cognitive Dissonance or no.

The planet is being run by a tripodic cabal. For the last 4000 years[at least], an ancient evil has not only survived, but Flourished under the auspices of helping enlighten mankind, while in fact taking Greatest Advantage of Homo sapiens Sapiens natural tendencies towards greed, avarice and hatred.

The Callousness of the Human Species is a Severe Indictment Against the Collective Survival of the Species.

From a wider perspective, at the very least, H.s.Sapiens faces yet another steep population die-off, most likely with attendant loss of technology and, God Forbid, loss of Civilization. Perhaps Extinction is the best choice at this point. As for me and my House, though… we shall put our trust in The Lord. We will be lucky to make it out of ALLOFTHIS without at least a small nuclear exchange.

The reality is, i am sad to say, when one adds the relevant data concerning the Fukushima-Dai'ichi Nuclear[=E.L.E.]… well, like the evil child-raping lady said, What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make. This is my message for those who have ears to hear, here… … and i haven't even said one thing about moloch, khazars, C.E.R.N., Ņæłvə§ or a literal Slew of Other, Factual Realities of Present Day Life on Earth. God Help Us. Even so Lord Jesus, Come. The Alternatives Do Not Bear Thinking About.. Period.