Anonymous ID: 7d6e1f Jan. 11, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.7789865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9953

>>7784137 (PB)

Re: Nothing up my sleeves




“The concepts and use of Public Key Infrastructure were discovered by British scientists in GCHQ in 1969 with Ellis. After the re-discovery and commercial use of PKI by Rivest, Shamir, Diffie and others, the British government considered releasing the records of GCHQ's successes in this field. However, the untimely publication of Spycatcher meant that the government once again issued a gag order and full details of GCHQ achievement were never revealed. The public disclosure of both secure key exchange and asymmetric key algorithms in 1976 by Diffie, Hellman, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman [RSA cryptographic system] changed secure communications entirely. With the further development of high speed digital electronic communications (the Internet and its predecessors), a need became evident for ways in which users could securely communicate with each other, and as a further consequence of that, for ways in which users could be sure with whom they were actually interacting.” .. “1 Introduction There are three families of public-key cryptography in common use today. The most widely used systems are those based on integer factorization. In particular, the RSA cryptographic system is perhaps the most popular public-key algorithm. It is used in most web browsers (for SSL), email packages (for S/MIME) as well as within the Entrust family of products [procured for the use of Canadian Privy councilors by Lena Trudeau]. Systems based on the discrete logarithm problem are also very popular as they can provide support for both digital signatures (with DSA) and key agreement (with the Diffie-Hellman algorithm). Traditionally Entrust has supported both of these families of cryptographic algorithms.”


“RSA was founded by (and named after) the inventors of public key cryptography: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. The RSA algorithm is the most widely used method of implementing public key cryptography and has been deployed in more than one billion applications worldwide. Their innovation, the RSA algorithm, solved a daunting challenge in network security: how to enable secure yet transparent exchange of encrypted communications between users and enterprises that are strangers to each other. RSA SecurID 700 Authenticator A quarter-century later, the RSA algorithm is a foundation of network and Internet security and a key enabler of e-commerce. It is the most widely used method of implementing public key cryptography and has been deployed in more than one billion applications worldwide. Another key RSA innovation, time-synchronous authentication, which was invented in 1986, has also demonstrated remarkable longevity. As the technology that underlies many of the company’s strong authentication solutions, including RSA SecurID® tokens, time-synchronous authentication allows enterprises to verify a user’s identity with a high degree of certainty.”