Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Mo who?
GITMO Baby, as in your ass is gettin' GITMO'D!
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Mo who?
GITMO Baby, as in your ass is gettin' GITMO'D!
Shit! Wonder if that's also why POTUS started putting more pressure on Wray (re his tweet - what about all the people that were hurt by FBI's actions).
Scary stuff indeed.
But I think because things are coming to a head, he will be protected. Q/POTUS will see to it.
This is in response to POTUS' tweet re cancer.
>The monarch hopes future royals who also desire a more modern arrangement can emulate the plan she establishes
Me thinks the entire royal establishment is going down, no?
(haven't seen this in notables, ignore if already listed)
>Former Marine / Florida man charged with impersonating a security member for Trump's Marine One
How can they be this careless with POTUS' life???
WTH you guys doing SS??