Anonymous ID: b2b41b Jan. 11, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.7789504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558 >>9594 >>0198 >>0209

>>7788914 lb Notable

holy shit slide making Notables

well fuck me

There was a post four days ago (?) that was a response to an anon or shill whom was posting pics of both Jim and CM breaking bread with 4chan BO.

The poster of the pics received a response that said paraphrasing, 'Not organic. If you post these again, I will doxx you: name, address, email.'

Many anons feel the post was from either Jim or CM.

So, wtf? Are we anonymous, Jim and CM? Have you self-annointed yourselves to be above anons being...anon?