Anonymous ID: d9ba23 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.7789534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9550 >>9553 >>9621

>>7789383 lb

>it is ALWAYS some story about how the gods gave man the technology

>>7789429 lb

>It's an old story, of course.

Nearly all religions and myths worldwide are based on the constellations.

William Cooper explains it in his Mystery Babylon series.

We've been gaslit for thousands of years by a parasitic cabal into believing the mob (us) are to stupid to have invented anything ourselves, we need "gods" and their appointed regents of bloodline families to "help" us be better humans.

Anonymous ID: d9ba23 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.7789621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9665


You should look into what I'm saying, when you're ignore-ant your head is in the sand and your ass is in the air.

I don't take any one persons word for anything and i'm willing to listen to all, but if you listen to bill cooper or this guy:

you may find the logic of it unassailable.

That doesn't mean that God Almighty doesn't exist or that Christ Consciousness has never been achieved.

Anonymous ID: d9ba23 Jan. 11, 2020, 10:14 p.m. No.7789837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>we both know who each other is.

>we're on the same team.



>you were asked, like me, what Saturn did before he picked up the scythe.

uum, wut?


>there's a reason you're constantly told to remember. there's a reason you're constantly shown what to remember.

IMHO that's part of the gaslighting. There's nearly infinitely more to this material sandbox we crawl around on but few of us pick up the tools and do the experiments that would make our eyes open wide. Staring at the stars is like counting sheep, it's an early form of tel-lie-vision to keep us mesmerized. I see that the myths are based on the stars but what are the stars based on? Not the myths.


>as you know, the war is already won.

Belief is the enemy of knowing, I wish I could know that with certainty. Our souls decide when the battle is over, the Kem are said to have had no word for death, they only went westerly.