Anonymous ID: 48310e Jan. 12, 2020, 1:20 a.m. No.7790467   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0476 >>0502 >>0535 >>0544 >>0570 >>0607



>Anons, for years I've been digging and keeping an open mind, but I have come to the conclusion that it really is the jews. Not all jews, but it is correct that it is THE jews, in the sense that we use the term. The more I've read about Kabbalah (Interesting how it sounds like Cabal, isn't it?) the more I've become convinced.





Can't sleep tonight.. I have accepted the fact there are not enough years left in my life for me to figure it all out. The Anon above is in the same boat as I am at the moment.


Just finished a quick overview of some old Kabbaha books readily available through generous sources from Russia. I can't possible read everything that needs to be read and use common sense to filter through the lies. Some of it was brutal for Christians and I have to admit I was surrounded by it for years when I was younger and misunderstood all of it.


How much is really hidden? It is rather depressing thinking about it. Are we 50-100 years behind or literally a millennium behind? Do some humans on this earth today know who and where we come from? How long have these elites had access to the keys of the mysteries? How could/can it all be kept secret?


On another note… what is the thought on Ivanka Trump and the red bracelet with 7 knots?

Anonymous ID: 48310e Jan. 12, 2020, 2:20 a.m. No.7790607   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0627



It feels like the Kabbala, New Age, Crowley etc. folks are caught up in the Genders. In this β€”Kabbala for Satanistsβ€”(attached) it is assumed by the author that Christians can't possible get it right because of the left out "Female" figure of worship. This means we are unbalanced. As if he thinks our attributes from our hearts are different . Women and Men in the end have the same exact hearts so I am not sure where they got this idea.


I don't believe in this duality poo poo. This world does not need chaos or evil to balance out the good. What a bunch of horse poo.


I think I just figured out why we have to leave gender out of our anon posts!!!!