Anonymous ID: 8068bf Jan. 12, 2020, 12:58 a.m. No.7790413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the light of the revelation POTUS shared last night that Soleimani was planning imminent attacks on 4 US Embassies (…


Let's go back in time through the Looking Glass:


It's Sept 13, 2012 & BO/HRC's Benghazi Disinfo Campaign is in FULL SWING


WL published a HRC Dept of State internal email circulating a WaPo article. The purpose of this email is for HRC & Co. to have a collective review in real time of a WaPo article that covers HRC's official comments re: the event that led to the deaths of Amb. Stevens and  4 other Americans ( we will never forget) & the protests that had broken out in front of the US Embassy in Yemen (and across the Middle East), 2 days after the Benghazi incident. 

Note all the SD players on the email chain – Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland, Cheryl Mills, and last but not least Philippe Reines –  a.k.a. Hillaryland. 


Theory –  


Given the level of int'l coordination needed for back-to-back 'insta' protests at the US Embassies in Egypt, Iran, Yemen, and Bangladesh, it's hard not to believe that these MB/Hezbollah astroturf protests were not fully coordinated/planned well in advance & in full partnership with BO admin, HRC's SD, MB, & Quds Force /Hezzbollah/Soleimani.   


If this is indeed the case, then Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith (possibly an NSA guy as well as an infosec guy for the Diplomatic Service??) where intentionally targeted to die in that way that night.


The question is why? What did they know? What was the Amb. and/or Sean planning? What critical info did one of them or they have in their possession?  If the source cited below is correct, what was Sean Smith/NSA officer doing at The Hague on 9/10/12? Was he or they providing parties at the The Hague data/evidence of 'crimes against humanity'?  


"10 Sep 2012: Amb. Stevens traveled from Tripoli to Benghazi w/only 5 DSS officers; Sean Smith, NSA officer, arrived Benghazi from The Hague"  


Someone and/or something ( i.e. critical info/physical evidence/a mole) must have been a very grave & time-sensitive threat to the Cabal/BO/HRC's operations/plans in the region for [them] to coordinate/stage such a massive, hi-risk event, followed by an equally complicated int'l cover-up, particularly w/ BO's re-election only 2 months away.  


"As a U.S. Diplomat, and retired military man, Sean’s life reflected clearly his love of serving his country and exemplified bravery, courage, adventure and valor.


God Bless The Troops had the privilege of honoring this brave hero by shipping an "America's Valor" to The Hague through a friend and colleague."