Anonymous ID: f0a35d Jan. 12, 2020, 12:47 a.m. No.7790375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0423




Yep, already wrote my RINO governor, and every conservative I know is doing the same.

Anonymous ID: f0a35d Jan. 12, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.7790391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0501 >>0752 >>0897 >>1010

Legendary Bodybuilder And Actor Lou Ferrigno To Be Deputized In New Mexico




Actor Lou Ferrigno of Incredible Hulk fame will be deputized by a New Mexico sheriff's department


Socorro, NM – Legendary bodybuilder and actor Lou Ferrigno, who played the Incredible Hulk in the 1970s and 1980s TV show, is set to become a deputy in New Mexico.


Ferrigno, 68, is scheduled to be deputized by Socorro County Sheriff William Armijo next week, according to KRQE.


Officials has said that the celebrity will bring decades of law enforcement experience to the job and will be a key part of recruiting for the department and the county, according to USA Today.


Ferrigno has worked as a reserve sheriff’s deputy in Los Angeles County and also served as a member of the volunteer sheriff posse in Maricopa County, Arizona, according to USA Today.


The Dallas Morning News reported that Ferrigno has also worked for law enforcement in Texas and Ohio.


Ferrigno was sworn in as an honorary officer of the Manchester Police Department in April of 2019, according to KMOV.


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Police Department swore Ferrigno in as an honorary officer in October of 2019.


“I want to show my support because it’s not easy being an officer,” Ferrigno said in 2019, according to WKOW.


Ferrigno was sworn in as an honorary police officer with the Irving Police Department in March of 2018, according to the Dallas Morning News.


In September of 2013, Ferrigno was also sworn in as a special deputy for the Delaware County Sheriff’s Department in Ohio. His role with that department was with promoting health and wellness, particularly among fellow deputies.


The actor’s father was a police lieutenant who worked in New York.


The famous bodybuilder has kept his acting career going since he made it big in The Incredible Hulk. He has appeared in numerous TV series and movies over the past several years. He’s had roles in more than 20 TV and movie productions since 2015, according to the Internet Movie Database.

Anonymous ID: f0a35d Jan. 12, 2020, 1:08 a.m. No.7790441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0444 >>0466 >>0501 >>0752 >>0897 >>1010

Trump Is Masterfully Using Democrats' Opposition against Them


Part 1


It took the American mass disinformation media and the socialists Democrats three years of Trump's presidency to finally develop a coherent policy of confronting Trump.


This policy is very primitive: everything that Trump does is denied, rejected, and negated. Everything.


As a result, the opposition's reaction began to resemble the reaction of Pavlovian dogs — any statement by Trump, any action by Trump, and any achievement of Trump can cause only one thing — salivation of total negation.


However, the complete and unconditional denial of everything makes the Democrats predictable and, as a result, vulnerable and easily amenable to manipulation and provocation.


The White House probably noticed this a long time ago, and it will certainly take advantage of the thoughtless but predictable denial by the Democrats of absolutely everything for their political purposes.


What does the predictable reaction of the Democrats look like? For example, Trump makes it clear that he is not going to fight in Syria anymore, and without exception, all Democrats immediately become militant hawks, who categorically demand a continuation of the war. If Trump trolls the Iranian regime by threatening to attack Iranian objects, including cultural objects, all Democrats, without exception, immediately become peace doves and demand "hands off Iran!"


The irony here is that the very opponents of Trump, who advocate for "preserving the Iranian cultural heritage," are calling for the destruction of Confederate historical monuments in America.


No doubt, all this (D)egenerative nonsense will be beneficial to Trump during his re-election campaign.


Many TV channels associated with the DNC broadcasted detailed, multi-hour reports on the funeral of the handful of dust that remained from General Soleimani as if it were the funeral of some outstanding American politician. The NBC, MSNBC, and NPR channels, as if by magic, turned into Shiite propaganda channels. At the same time, former Obama administration officials continue to meet with Iranian leaders, trying to undermine President Trump's policy toward Iran.


If former secretary of state John Kerry had been in the car with the Butcher of the Middle East, Soleimani, no one in the world would be surprised. No one.


The result of the anti-American actions of the Democrats is, at first glance, invisible but, nevertheless, the constant erosion of their reputation. For example, a complete rejection of the administration's recent actions forced the Democrats to openly defend the terrorist Soleimani and offer a significant defense, not just words.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi has put forward a legislative initiative to establish significant restrictions on a potential attack on Iranian targets. In fact, Pelosi advocates for the preventive surrender of the United States and is trying to strip the commander-in-chief of his constitutional power.


Everyone is free to grieve over the untimely departed friend as he wants — only Pelosi's grief over Soleimani took the legislative form.


If I were asked in 2019 whether the Democrats could make an even more grave political miscalculation than impeachment, I would laugh. Just a few weeks ago, the impeachment, it would seem, was the pinnacle of political idiocy. But 2020 came, and someone has put the Democrats wise to openly take up pro-Iranian positions, protecting terrorists.


In all its glory, this was manifested during the Iranian "attack on U.S .military bases in Iraq" on the night of January 8, 2020. This "attack" should be quoted because it was nothing more than ballistic theater for internal Iranian use. Not only did the Iranians greatly exaggerate the scale of their "attack," but it looks as if they also deliberately launched some missiles into the deserted places of Iraq.

Anonymous ID: f0a35d Jan. 12, 2020, 1:09 a.m. No.7790444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0466 >>0501 >>0752 >>0897 >>1010


Trump Is Masterfully Using Democrats' Opposition against Them


Part 2


In September 2019, Iran attacked the oil rigs of Saudi Arabia, and all the missiles hit their targets. The same rockets. What could have happened to the rockets in the last few months? Did they suddenly lose their targeting capabilities? The "attack" on American military bases ended in nothing — no one was hurt, and there was practically no destruction. The suspicion is that the Iranians deliberately missed. That is, it looks as though the Iranians simply gave a rocket salute during the burial of General Soleimani and nothing more.


Well, what is Tehran supposed to do? Iran is extremely weak economically, inflation is about 30% per year, and the ayatollah regime has been humiliated after the termination of Soleimani. They are frightened by Trump's tough reaction and desperate to save face. At the same time, one should not forget that the strike group of the aircraft carrier Truman (not only the aircraft carrier itself, but also dozens of warships, plus the secret number of nuclear submarines) is located near the southern coast of Iran. In addition, the strike group of the aircraft carrier Bataan is moving toward Israel (among other things, there are an additional 5,000 Marines there). Plus there are numerous U.S. military bases throughout the Middle East.


Alas, the Democrats expected something more significant from Iran.


Democrats desperately hoped for a retaliatory strike from Iran, with many casualties and destruction — just as they hoped that an attempt to attack the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on New Year's Eve by Soleimani's militants would become Trump's infamous Benghazi. Democrats hoped Trump was about to start a war. They shout in unison with Iran that the termination of General Soleimani by Trump was unlawful, that Trump's actions are unconstitutional. In order to bring down Trump, they would even root for the Third World War.


At first, Iran initially claimed that 30 Americans were killed, then this figure rose to 80. However, the Pentagon confirmed that no one was hurt. What have CNN and MSNBC done? For many hours, they broadcasted exactly the Iranian version.


Not a single U.S. president has been exposed to attempts by such outright micromanagement by the Democrats as Trump. The arrogant intervention of the House of Representatives — the non-binding War Powers Resolution — into the prerogative of the Executive Branch, calculated to provoke the reckless response of Trump, is doomed to…lack of response. How doomed to the absence of a rash response by Trump is this bright Iranian firework for those who mourn the Soleimani terrorist the most — the Iranian Shiites and American Democrats?


Trump is unlikely to miss the opportunity to use this latest ill conceived Democrat trick to convince American citizens that Democrats are defenders of Tehran's terrorist and anti-Semitic regime. In doing so, the Democrats themselves help Trump convince Americans that the Democrat Party poses no less a threat to America than Islamic terrorism.


Currently, Democrats are working hard to ensure that they all are identified as (D-Iran). Do you think this new pro-Iranian image will help them in the November 2020 elections?

Anonymous ID: f0a35d Jan. 12, 2020, 1:17 a.m. No.7790461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RINO Susan Collins working with ‘small group’ of GOP colleagues on impeachment witness deal


Over three weeks after they were passed, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has finally agreed to send both impeachment articles to the Senate for a trial,

but in a new wrinkle, it has now been reported that a moderate Republican is working “with a fairly small group” of GOP colleagues to secure an agreement on witnesses, something Pelosi’s delay was designed to achieve all along.


According to the Washington Examiner, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said that she is cooperating with “some of [her] Republican colleagues” along with the GOP’s leadership, “to reach an agreement on how to proceed with the trial that will allow the opportunity for witnesses for both the House managers and the president’s counsel if they choose to do so.”


Collins is apparently not the only senator on her side of the aisle who is eager to hear from witnesses. Last week, The Hill quoted Utah Republican and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney as saying he wanted to hear from them too.


“I think the Clinton impeachment process provides a pathway for witnesses to be heard so I’m comfortable with that process,” Romney explained.


Schumer’s demands


The so-called “Clinton model” allows witnesses to be called during the trial, but not until after the president has made his case, an example that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) doesn’t want to follow.


“More important than precedent is the fact that it plainly doesn’t make sense to have both sides present their arguments first and then — afterward — ask for the evidence we know is out there,” Schumer said, according to The Hill.


“The evidence should inform the trial,” he continued, “not the other way around.”


Schumer has been agitating for the Senate to call witnesses since even before the articles of impeachment were passed, having sent a letter with his demands on Dec. 15.


Among the individuals from whom he wishes to receive testimony are former National Security Adviser John Bolton and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.


McConnell stands firm


The question of witnesses has been a contentious one, with Pelosi having until now refused to send the articles unless Senate Republicans agreed to call additional witnesses before the trial began. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has consistently said he has no interest in that approach.


“It is not the Senate’s job to leap into the breach and search desperately for ways to get to guilty,” McConnell said back on Dec. 17. “That would hardly be impartial justice.”


“The fact that my colleague is already desperate to sign up the Senate for new fact-finding, which House Democrats themselves were too impatient to see through, well, that suggests that even Democrats who do not like this president are beginning to realize how dramatically insufficient the House’s rushed process has been,” McConnell added.