How do I mine?
From the menu bar, look for Help and select Debug window. A new window will appear.
In the new window, you will see tab buttons.
On Console, you can issue commands.
This is where you can issue mining commands like what you can see in the image below.
To mine, issue the command generate n where n can be any positive whole number.
How do I generate an address?
From the client app, you can see tab buttons at the top.
Choose Receive. You can also hover over each button to view hints.
While on the Receive tab, you may add Label, Amount, and Message before generating an address.
You may also hover over each field to view hints.
When you are done, click on the Request payment button just below the Message input field.
Then, a popup will show you where the address will be displayed.
Who is running Susucoin?
At this moment, these are the current members of the Susucoin Team:
Ronald Watkins, 主任開発者 (Lead Developer);