Anonymous ID: c81861 The Greatest War Jan. 12, 2020, 6 a.m. No.7791271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1350 >>1604

We find ourselves engaged in a great war, the greatest war that’s ever been known to mankind. Q has repeatedly posted scriptures (1432, 1886, etc) assuring us that we are fighting a spiritual battle, not merely a battle against human beings. Q has encouraged us to put on the full armor of God to “stand against the devil’s schemes” because “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” I’ve been reading scripture a lot more recently to help me understand this battle. Also reading spiritual growth books to help me see more clearly what this life is and what its purpose is, that is, what is its aim, or its goal.


>A different kind of life.

This short excerpt from Dallas Willard’s Hearing God gets to the essence of the new life a believer enjoys in Jesus Christ. Those spiritually born “manifest a different kind of life” with new activities and new responses (powers and responsibilities). What are your new activities in your new life? Do they reflect this new life accurately? In your new life, what are your new powers and responsibilities? How has Jesus Christ taken your talents to put them to use in this new life? How are you using them to build up treasure in heaven?


>The battle of faith, and pray on behalf of all people (New Testament translation by N.T. Wright).

By battling for your faith, by contending for it. Do not be deceived or think otherwise than this: if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are in a war, and you have a target on your back. Make no mistake in this, either: unbelievers (those in the dark; DARK TO LIGHT) are on the side of “the satan.” Perhaps they rejoice in their sin and foolishness, perhaps they are living a life of quiet desperation and deceit and are looking for a way out. PRAY FOR THEM. Pray for them all. The First Rule: Prayer for the World. Many nights I have gone to bed praying for POTUS, the entire Q team, our operators in the field, and all Q researchers and anyone on the front lines of this information war. Flynn was right: we are an army of digital soldiers. But we must first remember that this is a spiritual war we are involved in, it is a war for our minds (and souls and spirits), and there are finite and infinite consequences to our choices, every moment of every day. I lift you up in prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray for your strength and protection and conviction, in this, our most holy of fights. Redeem the time. Do not grow weary. Encourage and love one another. Love conquers all. Love never ends.


God is real, and Jesus of Nazareth was God made flesh