Anonymous ID: cbfd46 Jan. 12, 2020, 6:24 a.m. No.7791465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This article from the Daily Beast is such bullshit. The Libs are truly panicking of a Trump Dynasty in the making. Rick Wilson, the so wannabe journalist, is criticizing Don Jr., saying he should have a Pepe tattooed on his back! Now that is really not a bad idea (KEK). We, anons, are really living rent free in the liberals minds these days. I love it. We are the news now!


Wilson tried to savage Ivanka for her beauty, brilliance and engaging personality. He has to know in his deranged mind, she is all of the above and that is what pisses him off. He brought up the SS using Trump’s hotel in Scotland so Trump “could make money off the government.” Never mind, Hussein used the same hotel when his SS flew over there because it made sense. Crickets from Wilson then. Trump was not going to make a profit off of the government for use of any of his hotels. It was just Wilson showing off his true talent for research skills in mentioning that point. Loser.


This is a must read article of a lib gone mad.