Anonymous ID: f1ef11 Jan. 12, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.7791752   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun












RED Power Gangs โ€“ Impulsive Exploitative




MOTTO: me & my gang has to be most powerful way


PRIMARY MOTIVATION: self-serving power-oriented focus on own needs, interests & protection


THEME: world is a wild jungle where the strong dominate while the weak serve


THINKING: concrete short-term


TIME CONCEPT: present simple day to day predominates with very short view of past & future, low impulse control &


ability to foresee consequences of actions****





ego-centric impulsive with focus gratification of desires, power, self-protection & personal advantage





Protection: need for self-protection to cover sense of vulnerability


Power & Dominance: being powerful or aligning with those in power for protection & provision


Impulsive Action: do want I want & feel like, I react by the impulse I feel, if I want something I want it now


Reactive: strong fight/flight/freeze response, quick to fight or attack,


Belonging & Loyalty to my Gang: aligned subservience to those in power who will provide & keep me safe


Immediate Gratification & Sensory Pleasure: do what feels good & enjoy as much as you can while avoiding shame


No Guilt or Remorse: do what you want, no matter; only inhibition is avoid punishment & even if I canโ€™t be strong & take it


Self-Serving Exploitation: dominance & exploitation of others, slavery & exploitation of unskilled labor


Respect: proving myself using courage, cunning & aggression for respect & my belongingness to the gang



EMERGENCE in HUMAN HISTORY: 15,000 years ago (Spiral Dynamics)


OCCURRENCE: young children terrible 2โ€™s thru teenagers, gangs, feudal kingdoms, wild rock sta

Anonymous ID: f1ef11 Jan. 12, 2020, 7:27 a.m. No.7791782   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

We don't do that in this country. I don't care what CHina does. We don't meme red in this fucking country. can i be more clear?


is that a RED channel? maybe you need a new logo for your new mind control system. manipulative fucks.

Anonymous ID: f1ef11 Jan. 12, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.7791843   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






BLUE Mythic โ€“ Fundamentalist Member




MOTTO: obey the one right way with us


PRIMARY MOTIVATION: stability, belonging, righteousness & future reward


THEME: life is controlled by a Higher Power that punishes evil & rewards good deeds & righteousness; be a good person


& member by following the rules of the one right way to gain future reward


THINKING: mythic literal absolute (black & white)


TIME CONCEPT: past, present, future; past & future extend in imagination beyond personal experience but hypothetical


futures bound by historical past****





group/nation-centric oriented to righteousness & group belonging through conformity & value adoption, self


sense is defined by relation to group (us vs. them), sacrificing self for a larger nationalistic or religious cause





Fundamentalist: one right way


Absolute Thinking: right/wrong, good/bad, white/black, us/them, speak from memory & generality


Us vs. Them: either you are a member of our group or against us, differing values are vilified or avoided


Righteous Living: morality, duty, faith, integrity, self-control, stability, order, family, righteousness


Missionary: attend to social welfare of own group & convert others to the one right way


Conforming: group defines righteous living & socially acceptable behavior, maintain rules & stability


Obedience to higher authority & rules, conformity & duty now to earn future reward


Controlling Impulsivity & not following the rules through guilt


Belonging: desire to be accepted & patriotic membership to group or country



EMERGENCE in HUMAN HISTORY: 5,000 years ago (Spiral Dynamics)


OCCURRENCE: can begin in teens, religious fundamentalists, totalitarianism, national patriotism