Anonymous ID: f4975b Jan. 12, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7791727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1749 >>1847 >>1849

President Trump’s Tweet in Farsi Is Most Liked Persian Tweet in History — Obama Turned His Back on the Iranian People


In 2009 Iranian protesters took to the street by the thousands to protest the brutal Khamenei regime. The protesters chanted, “Obama, Obama are you with the regime or with us?”


They quickly discovered that Obama was with the regime.


In 2010 the Iranian protesters chanted a new message to Obama saying: “Hossein, Hossein, stop trying to talk to our murderers!”


But Obama never cared about the freedom protesters.

Obama was too busy working on a deal to give the Ayatollah Khamenei $120 billion US dollars.


This weekend Iranian democracy protesters took to the street again to protest freedom from the regime.


President Trump sent them his support – in Farsi!


“To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring,” Trump wrote.


: ‌ . . .

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2020


After just one hour, the tweet had received over 100,000 likes and has since more than doubled that number.


The tweet is the most Liked Persian tweet in history with over 307,000 likes.

Anonymous ID: f4975b Jan. 12, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.7791807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1849

The Afghan officials' families with luxury pads in Dubai


Leaked documents have unmasked senior Afghan officials and their families as recent owners of luxury offshore property in Dubai, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.


Included in the documents seen by the Bureau are relatives of two former presidents, a presidential candidate whose brother was reported to have flown into the UAE with more than $50 million in cash, and a senior intelligence official whose father was implicated in involvement with the transfer of large sums of money from Afghanistan.


Holding property overseas is not illegal and does not in itself imply any wrongdoing. But concerns have been mounting generally about alleged corruption among some senior Afghan officials. Few, if any, of the properties appear to have been declared on official registers, as is required by Afghanistan’s often ignored and broadly ineffective anti-corruption rules.


The evidence of luxury property ownership in Dubai raises concerns that merit further investigation, according to a leading anti-corruption charity.

Anonymous ID: f4975b Jan. 12, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.7791837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russians Fighting in Libya Do Not Represent the State, Putin Says


Russian President Vladimir Putin, asked on Saturday whether mercenaries known as the Wagner Group were fighting in Libya, said that if there are Russians in Libya, they are not representing the Russian state, nor are they paid by the state.


Russian private military contractors have clandestinely fought in support of Russian forces in Syria and Ukraine, Reuters and other media have previously reported. The contractors are recruited by a private military group known as Wagner Group whose members are mostly ex-service personnel.


The Russian state denies it uses mercenaries abroad.