Anonymous ID: 01301f Jan. 12, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.7792014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2141 >>2222


Nothing you said excludes him from being the guy in the Rachel Chandler pic. He is a satanist..with ties to CIA, Presidio and Hollywood, and there is no way he is a white/grey hat. More digging on this guy is warranted. Pic from Fiona Barnett article.

Anonymous ID: 01301f Jan. 12, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.7792041   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Coloboma. Soros has it too.



Checkd. I will dig some more today. I am more interested in anything MKUltra and SRA related. He was responsible for the satanic panic smokescreen that took heat off the Finders Cult. He needs to be held accountable.