Anonymous ID: 6bb18b Jan. 12, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.7792095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


check the global notables


>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!


provides some insight

was thinking of putting Saturday back, they look the same as sunday (green with anon archiveish links)

Anonymous ID: 6bb18b Jan. 12, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.7792324   🗄️.is 🔗kun


are not endorsements


#9973 new bacer

>>7791930, >>7791905, >>7791869 lb Iran protestors refuse to step on US flag

>>7791938 Iran's only female Olympic medalist announces her defection from Iran in scathing message

>>7791985, >>7791996, >>7792044, >>7792072 Iran habbeningss, Protests every where

>>7791999, >>7791925, >>7791980, >>7792113 Michael A. Aquino - the oprah winfrey show version (old news, anons been chattin this bread and pb)

>>7792023 Taliban Leader in Northeast’ Killed in Airstrike, Hafiz Mohibullah

>>7792040 Bill Clinon twat - my heart is with the people of Haiti today..

>>7792045 New DJT why did Nervois Nancy allow Shifty Schiff to lie before congress?

>>7792080 Philippine volcano habbenings

>>7792122, >>7792172 breaking - Four rockets hit Iraq airbase hosting US troops: military sources

>>7792132, >>7792214, >>7792231, >>7792241 New DJT - mispelling - hose should be house, now corrected, :20 delta

>>7792264 New DJT - addressing Iran's leader

>>7792196 US Army tweets, “It’s fun playing in the snow!”,The number on the helicopter is 770, Q drop #770 mentions ‘Snowden’ (gets a nom)

>>7792234 planefaggin




this bakery only open for one bake

gotta ghost it top of next bread

nice slow chill day


feel like baking?

Practice baking here

save the pic from the OP (original post image)

the pastebin dough is a text with page breaks, the page breaks are the individual posts on your new practice thread

use proper naming format Q Research General #99xx: your title here Edition

Anonymous ID: 6bb18b Jan. 12, 2020, 9:34 a.m. No.7792600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#9973 new bacer

>>7791930, >>7791905, >>7791869 lb Iran protestors refuse to step on US flag

>>7791938 Iran's only female Olympic medalist announces her defection from Iran in scathing message

>>7791985, >>7791996, >>7792044, >>7792072, >>7792344 Iran habbeningss, Protests every where

>>7791999, >>7791925, >>7791980, >>7792113 Michael A. Aquino - the oprah winfrey show version (old news, anons been chattin this bread and pb)

>>7792023 Taliban Leader in Northeast’ Killed in Airstrike, Hafiz Mohibullah

>>7792040 Bill Clinon twat - my heart is with the people of Haiti today..

>>7792045 New DJT why did Nervois Nancy allow Shifty Schiff to lie before congress?

>>7792080 Philippine volcano habbenings

>>7792122, >>7792172, >>7792368, >>7792387, >>7792518 breaking - 4 now 8 rockets hit Iraq airbase hosting US troops: military sources

>>7792132, >>7792214, >>7792231, >>7792241 New DJT - mispelling - hose should be house, now corrected, :20 delta

>>7792264, >>7792374 New DJT - addressing Iran's leader, The world is watching

>>7792196 US Army tweets, “It’s fun playing in the snow!”,The number on the helicopter is 770, Q drop #770 mentions ‘Snowden’ (gets a nom)

>>7792472 Iranian man arrested with machete, pickax, knives & $22K just 3 miles from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

>>7792234, >>7792530, >>7792561 planefaggin

>>7792593 New HRC - This week, the Justice Department determined that the lies that were peddled about me, my family, & @ClintonFdn are without merit.