Anonymous ID: 7e892f Jan. 12, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.7792068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2081 >>2086 >>2098 >>2135 >>2148 >>2170

>>7791350 (lb)

I've been doing a bit of studying and realized that the bible I've always read is missing 7 books. One of the seven books missing is Ecclesiastes which is also known as the book of Wisdom.

Ecclesiastes means Koheleth or Qoheleth

This book is said to be written by "The teacher" or "The preacher" and is believed to be a son of Solomon but no one is certain.

Interestingly, The word Qoheleth, and is derived from the root word meaning "Assembly" or 'Assembler" and the word, as a whole, means, the assembler, the one who congregates an assembly.


I'm still trying to figure out why these books were removed from the bible I read today… as there seems to be no solid reason I have come across that would justify it.


I've recently read Maccabees as well and come across some interesting things… Judah Maccabee, for one, was also known as "the hammer" and I have found some very interesting symbology related to Antiochus, Cleopatra, the Seleukid Kings of Syria and BO. (I even came across an article that described what seemed like some sort of sacrificial ritual that BO undertook involving a chicken? -see link below-) My instinct is telling me these are important things to look into (which may not mean much), but, I will continue to look into them. But it's also very important for me to figure out WHY these books were removed. If I understand the motivation for the removal of these books, then I am sure it would help me further.