Anonymous ID: 91952e Jan. 12, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.7791947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184

>>7790065 pb

>Paypal acquired Verisign, which used to own Network Solution

Jim said that a private company got to buy a tech company whith all its cutting edge systems for pennies on the dollar, after the US taxpayers paid for it all to be created, because it was created by a govt agency.


Verisign could be what we're looking for from Jim's message - the link to the registrars that are unregistering Jim's domains, the link to "that big credit card company" that Jim asked us to dig into (if he meant Paypal), and possibly Verisign is the company running the Secret Credit Scoring system (or providing the architecture that enables it.) I assume they could also be in control of, or allowing, the DDOS attacks against 8kun. Verisign would tie together everything Jim talked about, and how 8ch was taken down, and why 8kun couldn't stay up on the .net domain & is had to use the .top domain instead, etc.


Verisign is based in Reston, Virginia, and operates a diverse array of global internet infrastructure, including the domains .com, .net, .tv, .cc, .name, .jobs, .edu and .gov.

Verisign operates 2 of the world's 13 internet root servers, managing the DNS infrastructure for 121 million domain names and processing more than 77 billion Internet queries daily. Verisign enables the security, stability, and resiliency of key internet infrastructure and services.