Anonymous ID: b86745 Jan. 12, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.7792065   🗄️.is đź”—kun

What color POPS in a meme? What is the focus or main color of a meme. sometimes it is hard to tell, or it just bland/grayscale/superrandom. but usually, something sticks out or is dominate in the frame.

Anonymous ID: b86745 Jan. 12, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.7792093   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2101


They are not just randomly red and blue.


WATCH the conversation. When the debate switches, the color on the screen will change. The person talking will likely change but so will the background color. THE MEMES in your BRAIN. the SHIT they INSTALL is arguing.




I know it sounds CRAY ZEE , but I am telling you something.

Anonymous ID: b86745 Jan. 12, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.7792160   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2197 >>2249 >>2259 >>2268 >>2341 >>2392







Whole foods and google and all these corporate people are using COLORS to describe levels/layers of consciousness and purposefully INSTALL it in their labor force, err staff, err team, err family.. what do they call FUCKING SLAVES these days?


[THEY] are using the same color scheme crap on the all the media.


Your clothes, your products, every label in your kitchen. go look at what the colors mean and go look at what your PRODUCTS ARE COMMUNICATING subliminally.

Anonymous ID: b86745 Jan. 12, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7792446   🗄️.is đź”—kun

AMERICA is moving from BLUE(4) to ORANGE(5).


Get up fuckers.




ORANGE Rational – Achieving Individual




MOTTO: the most successful way


PRIMARY MOTIVATION: self-reliance to achieve material progress, success & freedom


THEME: If I learn the rules of the game, strive to be my best, I can achieve my goals & be successful


THINKING: rational more interested in reasons & causes, capable of self-reflection & longer-term planning


TIME CONCEPT: past, present, future; present is a composite of the past but it may or may not determine the future;


future orientation is for setting goals & working towards achieving them****





World-centric externally oriented toward self-esteem & autonomy: personal freedom, achievement, success, & material progress through the use of science & individual effort yet with a more mature sense of responsibility





Achievement: striving, professional development, optimism, prosperity, success


Self-Reliance: individualism, financial Independence & personal freedom


Consumption: use of the earth’s resources for material progress, status, “the good life”


Goal-driven & Action-Oriented: demonstrated results & efficiency, effective use of time


Competition: strategy, improvement & growth


Practical: competitive & opportunistic to achieve results, improve & get ahead


Rational Objectivity: cause & effect, laws of science can explain life


Science & Technology: interested to understand reasons & causes to conquering nature & prosper


Genetic Engineering: manipulation of the genome & the environment



EMERGENCE in HUMAN HISTORY: Scientific Revolution 300 years ago (Spiral Dynamics)


OCCURRENCE: Capitalism, Corporate America, materialism, fashion industry, sales, marketing, Scientific Revolution

Anonymous ID: b86745 Jan. 12, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.7792464   🗄️.is đź”—kun

TOURQUOISE Experiential – Construct Aware


MOTTO: the way of the Tao

PRIMARY MOTIVATION: devotion to living from immediacy, awakening & service

THEME: embracing inherent life paradoxes & awareness that language, meaning & even the self are constructed, transitory & limited

THINKING: “unitive concepts perceived; cross-paradigmatic*; being more aware of constructed nature of meaning making: all sensory sources of knowing including thoughts, emotions, body states, intuition, dreams, etc. “can become as important as rational deliberation for making sense of experience & for finding meaning in life” \

TIME CONCEPT: time is constructed simultaneously infinite & historical****, global-historical perspective beyond own




ego-self is seen as transparent, a construction, a “’central processing unit’ that actively creates a sense of identity”, makes meaning & tells a story with about itself & the world. In its increasingly felt transparency, this continuous “re-storying” of “me” which is now realized to actually be an impetus to further development. The existential process is embracing the felt sense of self in both its uniqueness and as “a blended part of a larger, compassionate whole…while rarely feeling understood in their complexity by others.”



Construct Aware: increasingly aware of constructed nature of mind, conceptualization, meaning, language & self

Ego-Transparency: awareness of self-construction, ego-dismantling process, Causal Body Aware

Awakening & Service: inspired & devoted to awakening while being an instrument of service in support of others

Habits of Mind: desire to unlearn automatic, conditioned responses & habits based on memory & cultural reinforcement

Paradox & Polarity polar opposites appearing as two sides of same coin, mutually necessitating & defining each other

Accepting: more comfortable & accepting of existential realities, uncertainty & mystery

Spontaneous & Experiential Functioning: living more in Immediacy & peak states / flow-states are common

Integrated & Experiential Knowing: continually attend to interaction of sensations, thought, emotions, speech, action

energetics, intuition, & perception (ordinary & extrasensory) internally & in relation to others, group, culture & time

Deep Evolutionary Perspective: tend to have developmental understanding, treat time & events as symbolic, analogical,

metaphorical (not merely linear, digital, literal)*

Universal Order & Global Renewal recognition that everything connects to everything else in ecological alignments

& dynamic living universal order; the possibility & actuality of a “grand unification”;

EMERGENCE in HUMAN HISTORY: emerging now (Spiral Dynamics)

OCCURRENCE: David Bohm’s theories; Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields; Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony; Mandela’s pluralistic integration; integral-holistic systems thinking*