Anonymous ID: e183a4 Jan. 12, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.7792325   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Someone has been saying

>> terror cult MEK

>for a long time on QResearch.

>Did I miss the sauce?

>What is the sauce?


Posting about this for almost 2 years.

It's now time to understand.

Do research.

You will find everything.


Q posted a WL twat link to an article about Qanon, MEK and Deep State with a reason. Read it with different eyes… Back then Bolton was still in Trump team.


Link to article:


Another important article:


Futher I would recommend everyone to do research on the Marxist MEK/MKO Rajavi Cult. It's about the Cabal's takeover of Iran, one of the last bastions without a Rothschild central bank.


#FreeIran is NOT about freeing Iran, it's overthrowing the current regime and to install a communist fascist regime with Rajavi as leader (Queen).


See to find out all deep state supporters in the US. It's the 'Iran SIG' (Special Interest Group) Q referred to a couple of times.