Anonymous ID: 3e0614 Jan. 12, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.7793548   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3569




Despite being close to the United States, even hosting Washington’s largest Middle East base, Qatar also enjoys strong ties with Iran, with whom it shares the world’s largest gas field.

Anonymous ID: 3e0614 Jan. 12, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.7793734   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3756 >>3792 >>3883

Anybody think the Ds may not send peach mint articles after all, no step 5?


I think they thought peachmint woud help bidan because he is Not a senator.


but Bernie's supporters are getting lounder and stronger…..backfiring on them.

Anonymous ID: 3e0614 Jan. 12, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.7793827   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3871 >>3903 >>3967 >>4147


>Qatar to offer Iran $3 billion for Ukrainian plane victims



My Afghanistan adventure has come to a close. As part of the

drawdown/retrograde effort, my Command has moved support services,

including legal support, “over the horizon.” As a result, I now provide

legal review from the quiet confines of Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar. Put

another way, I now telework to war. God Bless America.


Things remain extremely fluid and the lawyer who sits next to me was deemed

expendable and is going home in less than three weeks (I’m oddly zen about

the fact that he arrived a month after me and is projected to go home three

months before me). I’ll keep you all posted but wanted to make sure you

knew that I’m safe and sound.


I’ve attached a handful of photos. A couple are of Camp Phoenix & Bagram,

in case you all were wondering what Afghanistan looks like, and a couple

are of me in “battle rattle” or body armor. I turned in that stuff when I

arrived in Qatar so I’m taking advantage of the final opportunity to show

off and indulge my machismo.


Love and miss you all. Gabe



Gabe Podesta

Anonymous ID: 3e0614 Jan. 12, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.7793923   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3967 >>4147



Date: 2014-06-16 22:36

Subject: Re: Qatar Update




Maybe his 5 months will be shortened to 1.

On Jun 16, 2014 9:59 AM, "Gabe Podesta" <gpodesta@gmail.comwrote:


> I think my issues with my boss are about to get much better or worse. He

> apparently crashed and burned very, very hard in front of the Command's

> senior leadership at a meeting he insisted he attend instead of me or the

> other Captain because only he was qualified to represent Legal. He stated

> as truth something that was incorrect and refused to accept the

> correction of a higher ranking member. Apparently it devolved to the point

> that a very senior person stated in front of the group that "I could smack

> you." And when it was noted that he just got here another high ranking

> member said "he's already been here for one of the five months the USAF

> loaned him."


> Naturally, he has no idea that I know what happened. But because I

> actually bothered to make friends in the Command my phone rang as soon as

> it was over so I could hear all about it from those present.


> I'm really interested to see how he responds to the humble pie he was

> served. I hope that it will cause him to realize that he doesn't know

> everything. I suspect, however, that he will take it out on us by acting

> like even more of a tyrant.


> In any case, I figured I'd give you the update since we discussed a little

> yesterday. I had a really nice time talking to you both and I hope the

> rest of Father's Day went well. I miss you guys!


> Love,

> Gabe


> –

> Gabe Podesta
