Anonymous ID: 6e7d7a Jan. 12, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.7794223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Remember the judge from last year, that now was in charge of all of these FISAs She claimed at the end of the year, which is great, oh there is a problem here we need the FBI to do something. Well, that in and of itself was essentially a lie, or very close to a lie. Because she knew from the House Republicans that there was a fraud on the court.


>They had more information and evidence than we did. And so now you have a new judge who’s put in place and he picks one of the guys who was essentially covering up for the dirty cops.


Why isn't the House GOP at least raising


Impeachment of Chief Justice Roberts


over crooked and compd FISC Judges?


FBI Director Gray is brushing off what little heat he's taking for the systemic and long term abuse of FISA by FBI leadership. Just another embedded Deep State bureaucrat who merely shrugs his shoulders with that Swamp creature attitude: "Meh…I was here before you came and will still be here when you are long gone. So take your best shot."


But FISA courts are creatures of the Federal Judiciary and are supervised by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Shouldn't he be accountable for this FISA court debacle and answer to the Executive, Legislature and the American People for this growing scandal? Does his stature as Chief Justice cloak him with some sort of invulnerability? Shouldn't he be speaking out publicly on the matter??