Anonymous ID: a83c4d Jan. 12, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.7793489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3541 >>3564 >>3576

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has stunned court-watchers by selecting David Kris – a former Obama administration lawyer who has appeared on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and written extensively in support of the FBI's surveillance practices on the left-wing blog Lawfare – to oversee the FBI's implementation of reforms in the wake of a damning Department of Justice Inspector general report last year.


The development on Friday, first reported by independent journalist Mike Cernovich, has roiled Republicans who have demanded accountability at the FBI. House Intelligence Commitee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told The Daily Caller that Kris' appointment was "shocking" and "inexplicable."

"It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside [James] Comey, [Andy] McCabe, or [Adam] Schiff,” Nunes said. Speaking to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, Nunes added: “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the FISC, and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”


On Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Nunes reminded anchor Maria Bartiromo that Kris had panned the now-vindicated 2018 memo produced by Nunes' panel, which asserted a series of surveillance abuses by the FBI against former Trump aide Carter Page. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz later substantiated Nunes' claims, noting that the FBI had made numerous materially false representations to the FISC.

"Of all the people in the swamp … this is the guy that you come up with?" Nunes asked. "The guy that was accusing me of federal crimes? The guy that was defending the dirty cops at the FBI? … The court must be trying to abolish itself. There is long-term damage."

President Trump then referenced Nunes' interview with Bartiromo on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, calling Kris "highly controversial" and slamming the FISC's decision.


"You can't make this up!" Trump wrote. "David Kris, a highly controversial former DOJ official, was just appointed by the FISA Court to oversee reforms to the FBI's surveillance procedures. Zero credibility. THE SWAMP!"

Kris argued on Lawfare in March 2018 that Nunes had "tried to deceive the American people in precisely the same way that it falsely accused the FBI of deceiving the FISA Court."

Additionally, Kris claimed that "had the FBI done in its FISA applications what Nunes did in his memo, heads would have rolled on Pennsylvania Avenue." He asserted, “It’s disturbing that Page met that legal standard and that there was probable cause to conclude he was a Russian agent."


"The Nunes memo was dishonest," Kris chargred. "And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy."

Kris was a former assistant attorney general for national security who worked at the DOJ from 2009 to 2011, and served as an associate deputy attorney general under George W. Bush from 2000 to 2003. He later criticized Bush's justifications for warrantless wiretap surveillance.

But, as the political winds changed, Kris became more of a proponent for government surveillance in other contexts. He appeared on MSNBC's left-wing "The Rachel Maddow Show" in 2018 to offer a spirited defense of the FBI's FISA practices.

"FISA applications are typically quite long – they're big enough that you don't want to drop one on your foot," Kris told Maddow. "They contain a lot of information and detail, because the statute is quite exacting in what it requires the government to establish to get the warrant granted."

Commenting on whether unredacting FISA materials posed a challenge to the FBI's investigation, Kris remarked that "a lot of water [was] already under the bridge thanks to the back-and-forth precipitated" by Nunes – knocking the key House Republican for pushing to release some of the secretive documents.

Kris added: "These applications already substantially undermine the president's narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it's going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations."


On Twitter, Kris also insisted the "walls" were "closing in" on Trump – a common refrain on liberal cable news networks during the Russia probe.

Nevertheless, FISC presiding Judge James E. Boasberg, in a Friday order, said that Kris would be an "amicus curiae to assist the Court in assessing the government's response" to its previous order demanding changes at the FBI.



Anonymous ID: a83c4d Jan. 12, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.7793524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3540 >>3557 >>3574 >>3580 >>3585 >>3753 >>3967 >>3996 >>4147 >>4201

Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker has claimed he would “much rather be making my case to Iowans” than focusing on the impeachment process against President Donald Trump.


Booker’s remarks came Friday during an interview with the Joe Madison Show on SiriusXM. Booker told Madison:

Our strategy is to win in Iowa and being off the field, not being able to run a grassroots campaign, that’s the challenge. That’s why the fundraising for us now is doubly important because we have got to do what the more money campaigns are doing, which is the air cover, being on tv.


It is a sad thing for America that we have a president that is being impeached. Nobody should want this to happen. He did something that we have to hold him accountable for, but I want to beat Donald Trump in the general election. I want to stand next to him on the debate stage and beat him.


Having to be down in impeachment is bad for America, is sad for America, and I wish this wasn’t happening. And so I swore an oath to do my job…but I would much rather be making my case to Iowans.


Booker also stated that he feels “privileged” when he walks onto the Senate floor and said he would always uphold his oath.

Anonymous ID: a83c4d Jan. 12, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.7793646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3675 >>3678


Can someone please explain to me what the purpose of this Suschain thing is?

Been seeing it for days…seen some posts talking about it, but still don't understand what it is for. Why is it there?

I am beginning to see patterns of posters with that thing, and the point of this board is to be anon, correct???

Anonymous ID: a83c4d Jan. 12, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.7793684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3967 >>4147

There is a page on the internet where interested parties can see for themselves the amount of Canadian tax-payer dollars the Trudeau government sends to hundreds of Third World Nations each year.


For the year 2018, the Trudeau government handed $2.5 million dollars to the nation of Iran, ostensibly for the purpose of feeding their poor. Interesting to note how Canadian establishment media never dwell on the topic of Canadian aid to foreign governments.

CAP can understand why. It is, in truth, it is a sordid ordeal filled with mystery and intrigue.

The good news? The Trudeau government only gave Iran $2.5 million in 2018. How can this be good news for Canadian patriots? Because of the amount Trudeau gave to Iran’s brethren nations in the Middle East and Africa.


Try $254 Million to Afghanistan, $198 Million to Ethiopia, and $124 Million to Syria. Therefore, relatively speaking, Iran’s 2.5 Million is a mere “drop in the bucket.”

And yet, the Iran situation is so very telling. America’s enemy, a theocratic fundamentalist state, an oppressive Islamic government, as well as human rights abusing, anti-Christian society.

Guess this must be Justin Trudeau’s preferred form of governance–because dozens of the tax payer funded-recipient nations also fall into this category.

Why does Canada give away billions to the nations in the world which hate Christianity, when Canada has for its entire 153 year history been a Christian-majority nation?

The situation involves a Trudeau prime minister, so naturally, it gets worse. Ever heard of a phenomenon called “Phantom Aid? CAP have– but we bet “dollars to Tim Horton’s donuts” that 98% of Canadians have not.


Pourquoi? Because CBC, Globe & Mail and the rest of the Trudeau media puppets have held the truth back from 37.5 Million Canadians

Phantom aid is aid that never reaches the intended recipient countries. It is aid that gets looted in many ways such as tied aid and domestic refugee spending in donor countries. One of the countries affected by phantom aid is Afghanistan.

What was that number Justin sent to Afghanistan in 2018 again? Right–it is $254 Million Dollars.


Talk about a “bum rap.” Just think about the difference that kind of coin would make if injected into the Canadian economy. Designate $100 million for transportation upgrades within urban Canadian cities. What a giant impact this would have on the well being of the millions of Canadians.

On the altruistic side, perhaps $20 million to clean up First Nations Reserves so that their children do not die of mercury poisoning. You know those 2000 or so poor Canadians sleeping in the streets over the Christmas holidays? How about some shelter for these poor souls.

How about doing something FOR CANADIANS instead of throwing one quarter billion dollars in the trash bin? Nope–not gonna go down under Comrade Justin.


For him, all that counts are the “optics.” How does it look on the surface? What does the world think of the great “Trudeau” and his magic giveaways of billions to despotic Middle Eastern governments?

Consider this idea: If CTV and Toronto Star do not inform Canadians that these billions never reach the intended recipients, how can they inform us that the money has been appropriated by shadowy Middle Eastern forces such as terrorist organizations.

Quick Answer–they cannot–exactly why the entire charade is buried by media in the first place.


So where do these billions go? Who are the true recipients? CAP’s Definitive Answer: We have absolutely no idea. Yet speculation may infer the funds end up in one general location– the place they do not belong.


Who knew that contemporary Canada is wasting billions of tax dollars in this capacity? What–2% of our overall population?

CAP Speculation: It is our opinion that the true purpose of the funds is simply to “buy favour” with Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Syria, Sudan and Ghana.


Did you know? Several of these nations maintain not only the fastest growing populations on earth, but also the fastest growing economies on earth.


Now we are “getting warm”-– the true reason for the billions given away is because the people of these Third World nations are, in fact, the future of Canada. This is what Justin Trudeau, Gerald Butts, MP Ahmed Hussen, CBC, National Post and Toronto Star are HIDING from the good people of Canada.


$2.5 Million to Iran, $250 Million to Afghanistan. What really is the difference? Both are democracy-hating despotic nations–the kind the Trudeau family appear to prefer over western democracies like the United States–or for that matter–Canada itself.