Anonymous ID: c9e07b Jan. 12, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.7793967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables at 500

Skimmed a bit after coming in late.

Is everything in?


>>7793930 , >>7793941 Russian ‘orbital spy satellite’ breaks up in space

>>7793906 , >>7793932 Qatari Prince's previous pedophile arrest

>>7793827 , >>7793903, >>7793923 What was Gabe Podesta doing in Qatar?

>>7793807 , >>7793813 A look at Qatar

>>7793684 Canada's foreign aid spend: Resource site

>>7793575 , >>7793619, >>7793747 Fresh DJT

>>7793575 Rouhani welcomes Emir of Qatar to Tehran

>>7793524 Cory Booker wants to focus on Iowa rather than impeachment

>>7793497 , >>7793515, >>7793591 Nunes kicks off on the FISA Court

>>7793485 Qatar offer Iran $3 billion for Ukrainian plane victims

>>7793465 Iranian protestors respect the US and Israeli flags

>>7793461 Twatter anon does a Deep Dive on Deep State

>>7793449 , >>7793466 Declassified Celebrity FBI Files Jan 20

>>7793503 , >>7793512, >>7793529, >>7793553 Planefag Reports

>>7793439 , >>7793447, >>7793459, >>7793467 Planefag Reports

>>7793436 Project Veritas tease a new release coming this week







>Our strategy is to win in Iowa and being off the field, not being able to run a grassroots campaign, that’s the challeng


Anonymous ID: c9e07b Jan. 12, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7794147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7794058 Tweets by Dem pres. candidates supporting Iranian protesters today: 0

>>7794051 Site teaches children how to “get vaccinated in secret”

>>7793985 POTUS tweets answer to Virginia Anon request from Fri night

>>7793930 , >>7793941 Russian ‘orbital spy satellite’ breaks up in space

>>7793906 , >>7793932 Qatari Prince's previous pedophile arrest

>>7793827 , >>7793903, >>7793923, >>7794054 What was Gabe Podesta doing in Qatar?

>>7793807 , >>7793813 A look at Qatar

>>7793684 Canada's foreign aid spend: Resource site

>>7793619 , >>7793747 Fresh DJT

>>7793575 Rouhani welcomes Emir of Qatar to Tehran

>>7793524 Cory Booker wants to focus on Iowa rather than impeachment

>>7793497 , >>7793515, >>7793591 Nunes kicks off on the FISA Court

>>7793485 Qatar offer Iran $3 billion for Ukrainian plane victims

>>7793465 Iranian protestors respect the US and Israeli flags

>>7793461 Twatter anon does a Deep Dive on Deep State

>>7793449 , >>7793466 Declassified Celebrity FBI Files Jan 20

>>7794035 , >>7794074 Planefag Reports

>>7793503 , >>7793512, >>7793529, >>7793553 Planefag Reports

>>7793439 , >>7793447, >>7793459, >>7793467 Planefag Reports

>>7793436 Project Veritas tease a new release coming this week