Anonymous ID: e3e928 Jan. 12, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.7793497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3515 >>3528 >>3561 >>3967 >>4147

“You Can’t Make This Up! The FISA Court Must be Trying to Abolish Itself!” – Devin Nunes Goes Off after FISA Court Picks Trump-Hating Loon to Fix Itself (VIDEO)


On Friday, Judge James Boasberg, the new head of the FISA Court, announced in an order that he has appointed Obama-era national security leader at the DOJ David S. Kris as amicus counsel to review the reforms the FBI will be making to its FISA application process.


In December presiding FISA judge Rosemary Collyer announced she would be stepping down early from the FISA Court due to ‘health issues.’


Chief Justice Roberts tapped Judge James Boasberg, an Obama appointee to replace Collyer.


The moves were in response to the FBI abusing the FISA process after it obtained a total of four FISA warrants on Carter Page.


David Kris is an anti-Trump activist who wrote several articles lying about Rep. Devin Nunes and President Trump.

And HE was picked to clean up the FISA process!



On Sunday Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the shocking development by the corrupt Department of Justice.


Nunes argued that this is even MORE OF A REASON to shut down the criminal FISA Court system.


Rep. Devin Nunes: So the fact that of all the people in the swamp… this is the guy that you come up with? A guy that is accusing me of federal crimes. A guy that was defending dirty cops at the FBI. That’s why I said it last night in a tweet, the court must be trying to abolish itself. Because there is long term damage, this is another misstep. Remember the judge from last year, that now was in charge of all of these FISAs She claimed at the end of the year, which is great, oh there is a problem here we need the FBI to do something. Well, that in and of itself was essentially a lie, or very close to a lie. Because she knew from the House Republicans that there was a fraud on the court. They had more information and evidence than we did. And so now you have a new judge who’s put in place and he picks one of the guys who was essentially covering up for the dirty cops. I guess we’re going to have to abolish this whole FISA system at this point and try to build something new. I don’t think the American people and Republicans in Congress, if this continues, you are going to have a continued concern amongst Republicans and conservatives that there is something wrong with the FBI… but this court is not acceptable.


Nunes made similar comments on Twitter on Saturday.

Anonymous ID: e3e928 Jan. 12, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.7793506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3802

Additional 6 Months Granted to NATO Terrorists North of Syria by the UN Security Council


Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfort after the United Nations Security Council extended their supply routes from their regional sponsor NATO member state Turkey for an additional Six months within its Resolution 2504.


Thousands of earlier UNSC resolutions remain unimplemented, especially those related to solving the violations of the Israeli apartheid regime against the people of Palestine, Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon and the cross-border assassinations it carries out due to the absolute protection it gets from the three NATO member states in the UNSC.


His Excellency Bashar al Jaafari addressed the UN Security Council on Resolution 2504, on 10 January. The resolution subsequently passed, in what might be the largest Pontius Pilate abstention votes (4) in UN history. Scant reports suggest it is a watered-down extension of the criminal 2165 (2014), which breached the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic.


At this writing, the full Resolution, and details of the meeting remain available; the UN website has cried poor-mouth in its inability to provide the essentials, though it did find the massive funding to do a release on the wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garment, by the colonialist clique running the circus.


Ojala! The triage geniuses were able to post this page, showing the usual colonialist wailing, though it couldn’t quite squeeze in that France was the lone country to vote in support of 2504. The penholding House Servants were inconsolable.


Ambassador al Jaafari began his statement in noting the “inhumane scene” of the “two charters” of the assemblage: The written one, filled with noble aspirations, and the active one, of “political agenda” by some member states, a biased agenda which sullies the noble, written charter.


Some penholders and members have “refuted” the UN Charter’s lofty mission.


“Since the onset of the terrorist war against my country,” Dr. Jaafari continued, the Syrian government has made “relentless efforts to ensure” the delivery of essential goods and services to its citizenry, including food, healthcare, education, and salaries, despite the illicit economic coercive measures erroneously named “sanctions.” The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and authorized NGOs have successfully worked with OCHA, in such deliveries, yet OCHA representatives at the UN engage in partiality, having “taken sides of western states” in hostility toward Syria.


He decried the hypocrisy of OCHA and the Under Secretary, cheering the criminality against his country. “So, OCHA today is providing food and humanitarian assistance to Idlib terrorists, who are bound to Tripoli in Libya through Turkey. That’s the ‘humanitarian’ action envisioned.”

Anonymous ID: e3e928 Jan. 12, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.7793521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4131

The Opulent, Segregated, Hypocritical, Jewish Gated Communities of South Africa


One of their projects is the Izinga Estate, a mini-Israel inside of South Africa, with a fence totally surrounding it, massive homes and every luxury imaginable. The project is being bankrolled by billionaire property speculator Jonathan Beare, a figure never criticized by EFF members who want to reclaim "their" land. Hostile journalists and "Economic Freedom Fighters" have not expressed any interest in ending this Zionist racial segregation being brought to an African nation.


The Guardian's Dennis Webster, a hipster from rapidly gentrifying Johannesburg, recently ran a Rockefeller Foundation financed hit piece on the Boer town of Orania, located in South Africa's Northern Cape.


The offense appears to be the 1600 person white enclave's success, economically and culturally. Webster's implication is that this is apartheid, and must be destroyed.